Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama is coming to Ireland--Citizens Arrest alert

President Obama is coming to Ireland. It's said that he's
coming to Dublin, but i've heard from security sources that
he may come to Cork.

When he steps off the plane the Gardai should arrest him for war crimes:
torture and waging illegal wars of aggression.

The Nobel Peace Prize was given to him as cover for the new wars.

If the Gardai don't arrest him, nor the Army, or Defence Forces,
then it is up to us the people.

I was arrested in June 1976 for involvement in a takeover of the
Statue of Liberty with Vietnam Veterans Against the War VVAW.

I highly recommend this method; it cuts down on tourists...and
is a wonderful way to see the Statue...with just a handful of friends.

No long lines, and if you go out on the deck why you may even have your
own helicopter crew filming you. And check out the refrigerator for some snacks.
We found steaks. But do as we did. We replace them all in full.

So to all let's not go after Obama in a group...nor make it
easy for those guarding the war criminal, break it up and come in

Well, that's about it..can't wait to use these new handcuffs:-

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