The Áras race
I am reading of the race for the Áras from Spain,
while traveling and writing a novel. After living in
Ireland for ten out of fourteen, and will return to
Cork I have a different view of things.
There are many things said about Martin McGuinness having
´blood on his hands´´ and the like. Have those who make these
comments forgotten that the very founders of Ireland like any
revolutionaries had blood on their hands.
Being a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran gives me a unique view.
There is not one past Taoiseach going back as far as Bertie
Ahern without blood on their hands for complicity in the CIA´s
Rendition and torture scheme. Successive Taoiseach´s have
guaranteed the Irish people that Ireland is not being used in the
program that kidanps people and brings them to be tortured.
Yet planes like the Boeing 737 (N368CE) that are known to be
part of the rendition fleet regularly landed on Irish soil refueled and
Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter, has a responsibility to investigate,
and prosecute if it is found that certain Irish officials had knowledge
of and did nothing to prevent these events. Ireland is obligated to investigate
and prosecute under Article 2 of the UN CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE!
But, successive Irish authorities have done nothing about torture just as they
stood by and did nothing while Catholic church officials engaged in the ´Torture
and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment´ of Irish children.
were complicit in the torture.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11 ten years after: Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B. Myers et al be brought to justice.
9/11 Ten Years After: Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George
Bush, General Richard B. Myers et al be brought to justice.
It was ten years ago Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 that the
American people suffered one of the worst of evils a nation can suffer;
a planned terror attack launched by those in control of their own
government. 9/11 was a giant criminal fraud and mass murder, and those
responsible are still alive, doing well and at large. Something like 2,996
people died on that day, and more are dying from inhaling dust and other
toxins released that day.
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
Americans and the world´s people were told that the attack was the
result of four planes being hijacked by so-called Muslim extremists. Yet,
the preponderence of evidence refutes the official story put out by the
US Government. The official story´is actually part of the cover-up.
First, between seven and nine of the identified hi-jackers are alive
and well.They categorically deny any involvement in the crime of 9/11. As
early as Sunday 23 September 2001 the BBC reported ´Hijack 'suspects' alive
and well.´Waleed Al Shehri, a Saudi Arabian pilot, who allegedly crashed into
the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Mr. Al Shehri contacted the media
when he heard that he was a hijacker and gave an interview denying that
assertion by the US Government.
Less than one week before 9.11, Mohammed Atta and several alleged
hijackers were seen aboard a SunCruz Casino boat, which at the time was
by Jack owned Abramoff a wealthy lobbyist convicted of mail fraud and
conspiracy in 2006. Abramoff’s casino boats. He was, as they say, ´well-
connected´being on the Bush Transition Advisory Team in 2001.
Mr. Atta, was know to have a liking for prostitutes and drinking. As
an ex-Marine I can´t throw the first stone. I think I just did, but after it
was officially reported.
In the rubble of 9/11 Mr. Atta´s passport and will were found. This
raises a question. If the steel beams were supposed to have been melted from
the fire of the airplanes, then how did Mohammed Atta´s passport and will
somehow survive? What kind of fireproof material were they made of?
Secondly, if Mohammed Attat intended to fly into the World Trade Center-
okay we know it´s bullshit- but, let´s just pretend just for a minute. Why
would he bring his will onto the plane when it was going to blow up? I mean,
like why would you bring your last will and testament on a plane that was
going to be a torch?
Then there are the reports from firefighters who were on the scene.
report They hearing and seeing explosions as they towers impolded. See:9/11
Firefighter Oral Histories. First-Hand Reports (
/watch?v=LV5qED5NaaA short link ). Also see:
343 firefighters died on 9/11. Who killed them?
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
I remember watching a man and a woman jumping to their deaths while
holding hands to avoid vaporization from the heat of all the explosives rigged
in those towers. They weren´t the only ones to jump.
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
Even if you take the government´s snow job-cover-up story that it was the
intense heat from the two planes that made the two towers collapse what about
Building No. 7? No plane crashed into it, yet it came down at free-fall speed
andcame down in 7 seconds!
In the whole history of steel-framed buildings only three steel-framed
buildings have collapsed due to fire. They were all on September 11th, 2001.
They were WTC 1, 2 and building number 7!
In February 2005 a fire broke out in a steel framed building in Madrid,
Spain. It burned for 24 hours. Guess what? It didn´t collapse!
On February 23rd, 1991 a fire broke out at One Meridian Plaza in
Philadelphia. The building is a 38 floor skyscraper. It burned for 18 hours
and guess what? It didn´t collapse!
In Caracas, Venezuela a serious fire broke out in the tallest skyscraper
in the city on the 34th floor. before it was over it had spread to 26 floors
and burned for 17 hours. Guess what? It didn´t collapse!
On February 9th, 2009 Beijing´s Hotel Mandarin Oriental went up in flames.
The structure was 520 feet tall; a skyscraper. The whole building became
engulfed in flames, and the fire lasted for three hours. Guess what? "No
portion of the large structure collapsed!"
For three or four weeks after 9/11 there was molten steel at the WTC basement.
Melted steel still in liquid form!
Who did this crime?
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
The smoking gun is the nano-thermite found in the dust of the WTC. See:
`danish scientist Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust ( english
subtitles )´ ( Short link: ).
´´The scientific paper Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
the 9/11 from World Trade Center Catastrophe conclusively shows the presence
of unignited aluminothermic explosives in dust samples from the Twin Towers,...
See: (
short link ).
A team of physicists found packets of unexploded nan-thermite in the dust of
the World Trade Ceter. This is like finding exploded firecrackers and
unexploded firecrackers. It´s a smoking gun.
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice. raise two points. One is that ant commercial plane
attempting such manoeuvre as done at the TWC towers would lose control of
the plane. Secondly, the ´Overwhelming Evidence Pentagon Aircraft Data Is Not
From An American Airlines 757´ See: (
/lateestnews.html )
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
Bush, General Richard B. Myers et al be brought to justice.
It was ten years ago Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 that the
American people suffered one of the worst of evils a nation can suffer;
a planned terror attack launched by those in control of their own
government. 9/11 was a giant criminal fraud and mass murder, and those
responsible are still alive, doing well and at large. Something like 2,996
people died on that day, and more are dying from inhaling dust and other
toxins released that day.
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
Americans and the world´s people were told that the attack was the
result of four planes being hijacked by so-called Muslim extremists. Yet,
the preponderence of evidence refutes the official story put out by the
US Government. The official story´is actually part of the cover-up.
First, between seven and nine of the identified hi-jackers are alive
and well.They categorically deny any involvement in the crime of 9/11. As
early as Sunday 23 September 2001 the BBC reported ´Hijack 'suspects' alive
and well.´Waleed Al Shehri, a Saudi Arabian pilot, who allegedly crashed into
the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Mr. Al Shehri contacted the media
when he heard that he was a hijacker and gave an interview denying that
assertion by the US Government.
Less than one week before 9.11, Mohammed Atta and several alleged
hijackers were seen aboard a SunCruz Casino boat, which at the time was
by Jack owned Abramoff a wealthy lobbyist convicted of mail fraud and
conspiracy in 2006. Abramoff’s casino boats. He was, as they say, ´well-
connected´being on the Bush Transition Advisory Team in 2001.
Mr. Atta, was know to have a liking for prostitutes and drinking. As
an ex-Marine I can´t throw the first stone. I think I just did, but after it
was officially reported.
In the rubble of 9/11 Mr. Atta´s passport and will were found. This
raises a question. If the steel beams were supposed to have been melted from
the fire of the airplanes, then how did Mohammed Atta´s passport and will
somehow survive? What kind of fireproof material were they made of?
Secondly, if Mohammed Attat intended to fly into the World Trade Center-
okay we know it´s bullshit- but, let´s just pretend just for a minute. Why
would he bring his will onto the plane when it was going to blow up? I mean,
like why would you bring your last will and testament on a plane that was
going to be a torch?
Then there are the reports from firefighters who were on the scene.
report They hearing and seeing explosions as they towers impolded. See:9/11
Firefighter Oral Histories. First-Hand Reports (
/watch?v=LV5qED5NaaA short link ). Also see:
343 firefighters died on 9/11. Who killed them?
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
I remember watching a man and a woman jumping to their deaths while
holding hands to avoid vaporization from the heat of all the explosives rigged
in those towers. They weren´t the only ones to jump.
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
Even if you take the government´s snow job-cover-up story that it was the
intense heat from the two planes that made the two towers collapse what about
Building No. 7? No plane crashed into it, yet it came down at free-fall speed
andcame down in 7 seconds!
In the whole history of steel-framed buildings only three steel-framed
buildings have collapsed due to fire. They were all on September 11th, 2001.
They were WTC 1, 2 and building number 7!
In February 2005 a fire broke out in a steel framed building in Madrid,
Spain. It burned for 24 hours. Guess what? It didn´t collapse!
On February 23rd, 1991 a fire broke out at One Meridian Plaza in
Philadelphia. The building is a 38 floor skyscraper. It burned for 18 hours
and guess what? It didn´t collapse!
In Caracas, Venezuela a serious fire broke out in the tallest skyscraper
in the city on the 34th floor. before it was over it had spread to 26 floors
and burned for 17 hours. Guess what? It didn´t collapse!
On February 9th, 2009 Beijing´s Hotel Mandarin Oriental went up in flames.
The structure was 520 feet tall; a skyscraper. The whole building became
engulfed in flames, and the fire lasted for three hours. Guess what? "No
portion of the large structure collapsed!"
For three or four weeks after 9/11 there was molten steel at the WTC basement.
Melted steel still in liquid form!
Who did this crime?
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
The smoking gun is the nano-thermite found in the dust of the WTC. See:
`danish scientist Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust ( english
subtitles )´ ( Short link: ).
´´The scientific paper Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
the 9/11 from World Trade Center Catastrophe conclusively shows the presence
of unignited aluminothermic explosives in dust samples from the Twin Towers,...
See: (
short link ).
A team of physicists found packets of unexploded nan-thermite in the dust of
the World Trade Ceter. This is like finding exploded firecrackers and
unexploded firecrackers. It´s a smoking gun.
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice. raise two points. One is that ant commercial plane
attempting such manoeuvre as done at the TWC towers would lose control of
the plane. Secondly, the ´Overwhelming Evidence Pentagon Aircraft Data Is Not
From An American Airlines 757´ See: (
/lateestnews.html )
Truth and Justice demand that Dick Cheney, George Bush, General Richard B.
Myers et al be brought to justice.
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