Theis is something that I have been writing thoughts
about, and will have the nakes of Bush Sr. to Obama...Cheney,
(for 9/11 Gulf War I and Afghanistan...Iraq, Rendition torture...
and the military leaders, ideologues and media persons
(i) The Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i)…
On 19 December 1989 President George H.W. Bush ordered the U. S. military to invade the sovereign nation of the Republic of Panama to safeguard the lives of U.S. citizens in Panama, defend democracy and human rights, combat drug trafficking, and secure the functioning of the Canal.
The United States government and its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
had long supported un-democratic regimes in the Republic of Panama.
George Bush Sr. as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCI), and later as Vice President 1981-1989 had knowledge of the drug trafficking as in both positions. President Noriega was had since the late 1950s through the 1980s had a working relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency, and was known to be steeped in the drug trade, as the Cia also has been for decades.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Libya: Why Are Some Dictators Okay, but Others must be Removed?
President Obama has justified America’s involvement in the attack on Libya by claiming
that the United States was replying to a request for intervention by the Arab League and the United Nations Security Council. Obama claimed that the military intervention was to put
“an end to the violence” by the Gaddafi regime against its citizens.
First, when they say the Arab League requested the No Fly Zone the question
That arises is who is the Arab League? They comprise 22 countries; nine of which were former British colonies (Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, Egypt and Yemen.
The benevolent French (ask anyone from Algeria) owned eight colonies;(Lebanon, Syria,
Tunisia, Comoros, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Dijbouti.
The Italians owned one, and that was Libya.
Portugal owned a bit of Oman, but Oman was mostly independent.
It should be noted for the reader that the Colonial powers preferred the
term ‘Protectorate’ sounds so much nicer; kind of like a big brother.
But, it should be noted that these former colonies by their weapons that are mainly used against their own people from their former ‘Protectorate’s, and actually the United States.
There is not one of these countries that has democratic regimes; neither does the United States, nor Great Britain, or France. As Vladimir Lenin noted in capitalist countries:
“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class shall represent and repress them in parliament.”
I believe that this is an accurate description.
Almost all of the countries of the Arab League have leaders that do what the U.S. wishes them to do.
Secondly, the United Nations Security Council didn’t request the U.S. and other
countries to do this to Libya. The U.S. and its allies Britain and France, but especially the U.S. wanted a reason to get its hand in to Libya and do another ‘regime change.’ In reality it was the U.S. that went and asked the UN Security Council to authorize this violence.
So, all the U.S. and its friends are doing is what they asked the Security Council to recommend what it wished.
But, if the U.S., Britain and France are acting in a principled manner then why not
Request a No Fly Zone over Bahrain and Yemen for the leaders of these countries have been gunning down unarmed peaceful protesters in the streets. Ditto for Saudi Arabia.
And the biggest offender in the Middle East region, Israel; the country that guns down innocent peoples, and is now waging a war of Genocide the remaining Palestinians to get rid of the evidence of their theft of their land, homes, farms, fields and businesses.
And, if these governments are claiming to be principled and concerned about rulers murdering innocent Muslim peoples, then what about a No Fly Zone over every U.S. military installation, airfield and ship. I implore every U.S. soldier, sailor, Marine and airmen to take control of your duty stations and refuse to fight. More, disarm your leaders, withdraw all American troops from all those lands and come back home.
I believe that what is happening is that the U.S. government through the CIA is getting within these countries and fueling the discontent so that they may remove the leaders that they wish. It is too much of a coincidence that these movements are going from one country to another.
There is CIA involvement.
As for my government wanting democracy; my government never favours democracy.
Democracy may mean a peoples voting to ask you to get out of their country.
I went to Vietnam twice as a Marine Corps rifleman-a 'grunt' as we called ourselves, and I truly believed, at first that we were fighting to free the Vietnamese people.
But, in truth, I was part of a military force that was being used to enslave their countrty, but they fought bravely and won. I am glad
When I returned to the states and entered college I studied African-American history. My teacher was Chris Nteta an exiled freedom fighter of South Africa.
It was through his teaching that I saw the hypocricy of my country allegedly fighting to free the Vietnamese people whilst at the same time being the biggest supporter of the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Israel was the last regime to break ties with the Aposrtheid regime.
What is happening in Norht Africa is the involvement of the CIA. You do not
stop violence against civilians by blasting them with cruise missiles; that only ensures that the number of civilian casualties will soar.
Remember Nicaragua in the 1980s? The U.S. government aremed a group of murderers and rapist called the contras and called them freedom figthers!
that the United States was replying to a request for intervention by the Arab League and the United Nations Security Council. Obama claimed that the military intervention was to put
“an end to the violence” by the Gaddafi regime against its citizens.
First, when they say the Arab League requested the No Fly Zone the question
That arises is who is the Arab League? They comprise 22 countries; nine of which were former British colonies (Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, Egypt and Yemen.
The benevolent French (ask anyone from Algeria) owned eight colonies;(Lebanon, Syria,
Tunisia, Comoros, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Dijbouti.
The Italians owned one, and that was Libya.
Portugal owned a bit of Oman, but Oman was mostly independent.
It should be noted for the reader that the Colonial powers preferred the
term ‘Protectorate’ sounds so much nicer; kind of like a big brother.
But, it should be noted that these former colonies by their weapons that are mainly used against their own people from their former ‘Protectorate’s, and actually the United States.
There is not one of these countries that has democratic regimes; neither does the United States, nor Great Britain, or France. As Vladimir Lenin noted in capitalist countries:
“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class shall represent and repress them in parliament.”
I believe that this is an accurate description.
Almost all of the countries of the Arab League have leaders that do what the U.S. wishes them to do.
Secondly, the United Nations Security Council didn’t request the U.S. and other
countries to do this to Libya. The U.S. and its allies Britain and France, but especially the U.S. wanted a reason to get its hand in to Libya and do another ‘regime change.’ In reality it was the U.S. that went and asked the UN Security Council to authorize this violence.
So, all the U.S. and its friends are doing is what they asked the Security Council to recommend what it wished.
But, if the U.S., Britain and France are acting in a principled manner then why not
Request a No Fly Zone over Bahrain and Yemen for the leaders of these countries have been gunning down unarmed peaceful protesters in the streets. Ditto for Saudi Arabia.
And the biggest offender in the Middle East region, Israel; the country that guns down innocent peoples, and is now waging a war of Genocide the remaining Palestinians to get rid of the evidence of their theft of their land, homes, farms, fields and businesses.
And, if these governments are claiming to be principled and concerned about rulers murdering innocent Muslim peoples, then what about a No Fly Zone over every U.S. military installation, airfield and ship. I implore every U.S. soldier, sailor, Marine and airmen to take control of your duty stations and refuse to fight. More, disarm your leaders, withdraw all American troops from all those lands and come back home.
I believe that what is happening is that the U.S. government through the CIA is getting within these countries and fueling the discontent so that they may remove the leaders that they wish. It is too much of a coincidence that these movements are going from one country to another.
There is CIA involvement.
As for my government wanting democracy; my government never favours democracy.
Democracy may mean a peoples voting to ask you to get out of their country.
I went to Vietnam twice as a Marine Corps rifleman-a 'grunt' as we called ourselves, and I truly believed, at first that we were fighting to free the Vietnamese people.
But, in truth, I was part of a military force that was being used to enslave their countrty, but they fought bravely and won. I am glad
When I returned to the states and entered college I studied African-American history. My teacher was Chris Nteta an exiled freedom fighter of South Africa.
It was through his teaching that I saw the hypocricy of my country allegedly fighting to free the Vietnamese people whilst at the same time being the biggest supporter of the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Israel was the last regime to break ties with the Aposrtheid regime.
What is happening in Norht Africa is the involvement of the CIA. You do not
stop violence against civilians by blasting them with cruise missiles; that only ensures that the number of civilian casualties will soar.
Remember Nicaragua in the 1980s? The U.S. government aremed a group of murderers and rapist called the contras and called them freedom figthers!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
War, Revolution, and Imperialist Intervention and the CIA
War, Revolution, and Imperialist Intervention and the CIA
The United States is the dominant super power in the world and it is in
decline. The U.S. dollar is almost worthless, and the United States is heading
towards economic collapse; an implosion like 9/11. Whenever an imperial or
dominant power is in serious decline like the United States they are more dangerous.
Today, the country of my birth, the United States is like a wounded lion, or tiger or bear.
Wounded animals strike out.
After World War II the U.S. helped to create the United Nations to, as the Preamble
to the Charter of the United Nations states: ‘to save succeeding generations from the
scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind…’
‘To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours,
To unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
To ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed
force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and’ were some of the stated aims
of the Charter.
However, the leaders of the U.S. through its military and the CIA sought to remake the
part of the world it controlled into dutiful subjects. Secondly, to expand the sphere of its influence.
So while U.S. leaders preached human rights andfreedom and democracy to the rest of the world
its actions did not match its rhetoric.
Thus even while France was recovering from the rubble of World War II the U.S. encouraged
and by 1954 was paying for 75% of the French war effort. And, Georges-Augustin Bidault, the French Foreign Minister in 1954 relates a story that in 1954 John Foster Dulles, the U. S. Secretary
of State met him privately and asked him “And if we were to give you two Atomic bombs?” The
U. S. was prepared to use them against the Vietnamese people, but they preferred that the French
do it as they had already vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945.
When the French lost Vietnam was split into two countries under the Geneva Accords.
But, it was really one country. So, the U.S. took over the war effort. The Geneva agreements
called for ‘free elections’ but President Eisenhower blocked them, for as he said Ho Chi Mihn
would win 90% of the vote in both the north and south.
So while the U.S. leaders told the American people and the world that they were fighting
against communist expansion they were launching a war of aggression. In a speech before Congress President Eisenhower was more candid about some of the reasons for our involvement when he said “If Indochina goes several things happen right away…the tin and the tungsten that we so greatly value from that area would cease coming.”
Wars are waged by the ruling classes of countries for resources, land and to expand the territory
It controls.
When a country intervenes in a civil war as America did in Vietnam, and now in Libya there is
a term for that; it’s called counter-revolution, and that’s what the U.S. and its allies are involved in.
The government of my country did everything it could to put down the Vietnamese fight for liberation. This included the spraying of millions of gallons of poison known as Agent Orange,
whose main ingredient is dioxin. I saw a place in Vietnam that was denuded of all vegetation and
full of bomb craters so cramped together that I could not walk there. I would have needed a bicycle
to ride rims of the craters.
But the Vietnamese fought and defeated the U.S. as it did the French before them. I learned
Later, after my time in Vietnam, that is, my service to Wall Street, the banksters, and corporations
that profit from wars that the Vietnamese people had waged a 1,000 year war against Chinese domination. They would not accept domination. In AD 40, the Trung Sisters (Hai Ba Trung) rallied the people, raised an army and led a revolt that sent the Chinese governor fleeing. This is the Vietnamese people that U.S. military leaders thought that they could defeat.
The Vietnamese people, who were mostly farmers, defeated the most formidable army in the world at that time the United States military. There was a precedent for this. From 1776 to 1783 an army of small farmers defeated the greatest military power on the planet; the British Army and their Hessian mercenaries. That war was called the American Revolutionary War or American War of Independence.
One middle aged Vietnamese man, Mui Duc Geing was a coffin maker for infants and young children during the Vietnam War. He had this to say at the time ‘No matter how many decades America fights it will never conquer Vietnam. Never! Over here as long as there is rice to eat will keep on fighting. And if the rice runs out, then we’ll plow the fields and fight again.”.
He also said this “I have lost seven children myself....Poison. Poison. It seems to destroy their interestines. With all this spraying and bombing, so many have died." It’s called Agent Orange.
He estimated that he made between 800-900 coffins for children each week year in and year out.
That is war.
And yet the Commanding general at the time Gen. William Westmoreland had this to say “The Oriental doesn't put the same high price on life as does the Westerner. Life is cheap in the Orient.”
Before any war the plans are made. The only thing that is needed is a reason. So, there is a process of demonization on the other peoples or their leader. In this case it is Col. Muammar Gaddafi.
The revolutions that are taking place in North Africa and Bahrain and Yemen are not, I believe just the result of popular uprisings by oppressed peoples. They are uprisings, or expressions of long simmering discontent by the people.
But, it takes place within a context of a global war being waged by the United States with the excuse of the 9/11 terrorist attack. It was a terrorist attack but it came from within, and Mossad was a part of it (Google: ‘Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11’
The government of the United States supported the Mubarak and the Ben Ali regimes until there was a popular revolt; then all of a sudden the U.S. was on the people’s side. If we swallow this, then we are truly gullible. For at the same time the U.S. supports the Saudi regime, and though the regimes in Bahrain and Yemen have been murdering people in the streets the U.S. government says that we must treat those countries different. Bullshit.
And if that is not enough the U.S. does not just turn a blind eye to the on-going genocide of the Palestinian peoples; the U.S. is part and parcel of it. It is the U.S. which gives Israel the planes and bombs to bomb innocent people in Gaza. The U.S. supplies the ammo and strikes down every UN Security Council decision with its veto.
The role of the CIA is to get into countries that the U.S. rulers want to overthrow, and to forment discontent, and to spread the flames. In Central and South America during the 1960s and 70s the CIA had the ability to cause mass demonstrations against legitimate democratic regimes. Then, a coup would take place. Ask the people of Guatemala, Chile, or other countries.
Libya represents another coup. If it is a civil war, then it is up to the people of that country to
find a solution that is to their liking. When there was armed conflict between the Apartheid government of South Africa and the Black majority of African people fighting against that regime
the U.S. government supported the white racist government just as it now supports the racist Zionist government of Israel.
So, if such a government is waging wars against the peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestinian peoples are we to believe that their West’s intervention in Libya is due to humanitarian concerns?
We must make every place the empire sets foot in a bed of quicksand, and may the troops rebel.
Footnote:”Navy Adm. Gary Roughead told the Defense Writers Group that having Navy ships and submarines in the Mediterranean Sea enabled a quick response to the order that began Operation Odyssey Dawn. “The need, for example in the opening rounds, for the Tomahawk strikes, the shooters were already in place,” Roughead said. “They were already loaded, and that went off as we expected it would.” Ships Were in Position for Odyssey Dawn, Roughead Says.”
The United States is the dominant super power in the world and it is in
decline. The U.S. dollar is almost worthless, and the United States is heading
towards economic collapse; an implosion like 9/11. Whenever an imperial or
dominant power is in serious decline like the United States they are more dangerous.
Today, the country of my birth, the United States is like a wounded lion, or tiger or bear.
Wounded animals strike out.
After World War II the U.S. helped to create the United Nations to, as the Preamble
to the Charter of the United Nations states: ‘to save succeeding generations from the
scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind…’
‘To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours,
To unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
To ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed
force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and’ were some of the stated aims
of the Charter.
However, the leaders of the U.S. through its military and the CIA sought to remake the
part of the world it controlled into dutiful subjects. Secondly, to expand the sphere of its influence.
So while U.S. leaders preached human rights andfreedom and democracy to the rest of the world
its actions did not match its rhetoric.
Thus even while France was recovering from the rubble of World War II the U.S. encouraged
and by 1954 was paying for 75% of the French war effort. And, Georges-Augustin Bidault, the French Foreign Minister in 1954 relates a story that in 1954 John Foster Dulles, the U. S. Secretary
of State met him privately and asked him “And if we were to give you two Atomic bombs?” The
U. S. was prepared to use them against the Vietnamese people, but they preferred that the French
do it as they had already vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945.
When the French lost Vietnam was split into two countries under the Geneva Accords.
But, it was really one country. So, the U.S. took over the war effort. The Geneva agreements
called for ‘free elections’ but President Eisenhower blocked them, for as he said Ho Chi Mihn
would win 90% of the vote in both the north and south.
So while the U.S. leaders told the American people and the world that they were fighting
against communist expansion they were launching a war of aggression. In a speech before Congress President Eisenhower was more candid about some of the reasons for our involvement when he said “If Indochina goes several things happen right away…the tin and the tungsten that we so greatly value from that area would cease coming.”
Wars are waged by the ruling classes of countries for resources, land and to expand the territory
It controls.
When a country intervenes in a civil war as America did in Vietnam, and now in Libya there is
a term for that; it’s called counter-revolution, and that’s what the U.S. and its allies are involved in.
The government of my country did everything it could to put down the Vietnamese fight for liberation. This included the spraying of millions of gallons of poison known as Agent Orange,
whose main ingredient is dioxin. I saw a place in Vietnam that was denuded of all vegetation and
full of bomb craters so cramped together that I could not walk there. I would have needed a bicycle
to ride rims of the craters.
But the Vietnamese fought and defeated the U.S. as it did the French before them. I learned
Later, after my time in Vietnam, that is, my service to Wall Street, the banksters, and corporations
that profit from wars that the Vietnamese people had waged a 1,000 year war against Chinese domination. They would not accept domination. In AD 40, the Trung Sisters (Hai Ba Trung) rallied the people, raised an army and led a revolt that sent the Chinese governor fleeing. This is the Vietnamese people that U.S. military leaders thought that they could defeat.
The Vietnamese people, who were mostly farmers, defeated the most formidable army in the world at that time the United States military. There was a precedent for this. From 1776 to 1783 an army of small farmers defeated the greatest military power on the planet; the British Army and their Hessian mercenaries. That war was called the American Revolutionary War or American War of Independence.
One middle aged Vietnamese man, Mui Duc Geing was a coffin maker for infants and young children during the Vietnam War. He had this to say at the time ‘No matter how many decades America fights it will never conquer Vietnam. Never! Over here as long as there is rice to eat will keep on fighting. And if the rice runs out, then we’ll plow the fields and fight again.”.
He also said this “I have lost seven children myself....Poison. Poison. It seems to destroy their interestines. With all this spraying and bombing, so many have died." It’s called Agent Orange.
He estimated that he made between 800-900 coffins for children each week year in and year out.
That is war.
And yet the Commanding general at the time Gen. William Westmoreland had this to say “The Oriental doesn't put the same high price on life as does the Westerner. Life is cheap in the Orient.”
Before any war the plans are made. The only thing that is needed is a reason. So, there is a process of demonization on the other peoples or their leader. In this case it is Col. Muammar Gaddafi.
The revolutions that are taking place in North Africa and Bahrain and Yemen are not, I believe just the result of popular uprisings by oppressed peoples. They are uprisings, or expressions of long simmering discontent by the people.
But, it takes place within a context of a global war being waged by the United States with the excuse of the 9/11 terrorist attack. It was a terrorist attack but it came from within, and Mossad was a part of it (Google: ‘Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11’
The government of the United States supported the Mubarak and the Ben Ali regimes until there was a popular revolt; then all of a sudden the U.S. was on the people’s side. If we swallow this, then we are truly gullible. For at the same time the U.S. supports the Saudi regime, and though the regimes in Bahrain and Yemen have been murdering people in the streets the U.S. government says that we must treat those countries different. Bullshit.
And if that is not enough the U.S. does not just turn a blind eye to the on-going genocide of the Palestinian peoples; the U.S. is part and parcel of it. It is the U.S. which gives Israel the planes and bombs to bomb innocent people in Gaza. The U.S. supplies the ammo and strikes down every UN Security Council decision with its veto.
The role of the CIA is to get into countries that the U.S. rulers want to overthrow, and to forment discontent, and to spread the flames. In Central and South America during the 1960s and 70s the CIA had the ability to cause mass demonstrations against legitimate democratic regimes. Then, a coup would take place. Ask the people of Guatemala, Chile, or other countries.
Libya represents another coup. If it is a civil war, then it is up to the people of that country to
find a solution that is to their liking. When there was armed conflict between the Apartheid government of South Africa and the Black majority of African people fighting against that regime
the U.S. government supported the white racist government just as it now supports the racist Zionist government of Israel.
So, if such a government is waging wars against the peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestinian peoples are we to believe that their West’s intervention in Libya is due to humanitarian concerns?
We must make every place the empire sets foot in a bed of quicksand, and may the troops rebel.
Footnote:”Navy Adm. Gary Roughead told the Defense Writers Group that having Navy ships and submarines in the Mediterranean Sea enabled a quick response to the order that began Operation Odyssey Dawn. “The need, for example in the opening rounds, for the Tomahawk strikes, the shooters were already in place,” Roughead said. “They were already loaded, and that went off as we expected it would.” Ships Were in Position for Odyssey Dawn, Roughead Says.”
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Gangs or the Military: Which is Worse?
Gangs or the Military: Which is Worse?
While growing up kids face many dangers in trying to negotiate life. The very term
‘gang’ has a bad connotation. We think of drugs and violence. But, gangs are not new,
though the element of drug involvement is more today than when I was a teenager.
When I was seven ‘West Side Story’ came out…when you’re a jet you’re a jet all the way…’
Back then gangs were more about ‘turf’ than drugs. For instance, I grew up in a housing project,
and by the time I was twelve two boys had died. One, Ronnie, was killed during a fight after being struck on the temple with a rock. It was not deliberate.
Stephen was knifed in the heart; his death was called an accident, but the autopsy showed
to thrusts of the knife. The kid who did it was about 13 or 14. Stevie was 17 or 18. I had had a
prior run-in with the fella who did it; I didn’t think it was an accident.
There was another housing project nearby and the boys from our two projects got into fights
every so often. I could say that it was about ‘turf’, but it was about boys being boys, and in a
housing project. I don’t regret living there even though my mother once told me not to tell anyone where I lived.
Today, and for the past few decades drugs, violence and turf are synonymous with the word gang.
Somehow in our society there is not as much concern, nor media coverage of another type of gang that is synonymous with drugs, violence and turf: that is the Mafia, or other organized criminal groups. No most of the media coverage is about youth gangs.
I often heard that ‘the military makes a man out of you.’ Or, that being in the military is certain
to make a young man mature, grow as a person and gain some wisdom. And, there is no doubt that
if you asked any parent which they would prefer their children to be in a ‘gang’, or the military many may opt for the military.
Jimmy P, was a good African-American friend of mine in the 1970s. He was also an ex-marine like me. Jimmy called such choices, or say, the choice between voting for Obama or Clinton, or other such choices like being in a gang or the military a ‘choice between constipation and darrhea!’
I was in Marine Corps boot camp two weeks after graduating from high school; I was 17. I was trained as a rifleman; a ‘grunt’ in Marine Corps terms. I am lucky to be alive, and thank God Allah, and the poor snipers trying to take me out when I was the radioman.
When I returned I did my best to steer my children from the military. The reason is simple; if you go to war you do not come back the same. I had been in two military hospitals; they were full of young men who had one, two, or all four limbs missing. Others were blind, deaf, or gone mad from the terror that they endured, or from seeing their friends blown to bits…
Many men in Vietnam were killed by an anti-personnel mine called the ‘Bouncing Betty.’ The mine would shoot up to waist level and rip off the legs of the victim; the man behind him may die, or be fatally injured. A young man’s sex life was forever impaired. Imagine being 18 or 19, and in the best physical condition possible, and within a split second it ends. Death, limbs being torn off, maiming, deafness (from the explosion), blindness and more.
I remember the first dead man that I helped to carry. I have always described the expression on his face as ‘frozen pain.’ That is, his face was turned to the side, his body arched slightly upwards, and his face contained the pain and shock that registered just as he was killed in a horrendous explosion. It was a land mine. We had to carry him for a few miles or more, so his face is still with me even as I type this.
What is worse is what war does to anybody from an infant, or young child to the oldest man or woman as happens daily in Gaza, or now in Libya, or in Vietnam. My friends and I were never the same. Over 58, 000 thousand Americans died in that war, but over 100,000 have taken their own life after returning from the war zone. War kills…and keeps killing long after the last gun is silent.
In Afghanistan more military men and women take their own life than the number being killed in combat. Think about that; the main cause of death of U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan is suicide. They are killing themselves. And, the ‘Suicide rate triples for female soldiers when they
go to Iraq or Afghanistan.’ Our leaders and war are killing the youth.
And it will continue to do so long after the war is over; until the last veteran of those wars
has died! Among American combat veterans there is a higher rate of alcohol or drug use, broken marriages and more.
Near the end of World War II the U.S. military was discharging more soldiers than it could conscript into military service. Why is all the above so? It is a measure of the effect of war on the soul. It is what a person sees, does or experiences that is not normal.
At 18 I had to wipe up human remains from a bunker. The night before we were under attack
by teams of sappers; suicide bombers. Two men from the next bunker came running towards us screaming hysterically ‘They’re all around us ...we’re gonna get killed.’ My team leader and I
grabbed one each, and covered their mouths, and put our bayonets to their throats.
Chief whispered 'Shut the fuck up. Get back into your hole. Keep your head down, and your
eyes and ears open, and don't bring them over here.' I had given my man a look that was meant to scare him as much as what had just terrorized him. I was scared too, but knew panic is deadly.
They ran back. We evacuated our bunker; everyone knew it by then. We went uphill about ten
feet, and hid behind a large tree with bushes. After a few minutes a sapper was in their bunker and
knifing them to keep them there until his satchel detonated. We listened to them scream and beg
in agony and terror of their last seconds (6-7) of life. They were fifty feet away, and one cried aloud ‘Oh God’ just before the explosion. It was awful.
Later that morning my platoon Sgt. said ‘we got two new men coming in on the copter, and we don’t want them to see it (the bunker) like that. I nodded and took the rags, and went in to clean it
up. My training hadn't taught me how to clean up the exploded remains of marines. The bunker was
coated with blood, bits of flesh, brain, bone and whatever. I almost cracked. It was horrible. Most of all, God, I didn’t want another Marine to see me crying…so I stuffed it. At one point I said to myself 'You can't do this. You can't do this (cry). So, I stuffed way down, but have cried many times since leaving that hill.
I’ve had to live with that for the past 42 years. Everyone who ends up in war has their own personal
Things they carry. So, to me, military service is not a better option. Our leaders are criminals when that is the best that they continually put our young people through. I consider those like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or now, Obama to be members of a criminal gang of the highest order; they plan and execute wars of aggression.
We as a community, or society, must find other options for young kids and men other than gangs.
I can now say that when I was in the Marines in Vietnam I belonged to a gang of murderers. I’m lucky to have survived.
While growing up kids face many dangers in trying to negotiate life. The very term
‘gang’ has a bad connotation. We think of drugs and violence. But, gangs are not new,
though the element of drug involvement is more today than when I was a teenager.
When I was seven ‘West Side Story’ came out…when you’re a jet you’re a jet all the way…’
Back then gangs were more about ‘turf’ than drugs. For instance, I grew up in a housing project,
and by the time I was twelve two boys had died. One, Ronnie, was killed during a fight after being struck on the temple with a rock. It was not deliberate.
Stephen was knifed in the heart; his death was called an accident, but the autopsy showed
to thrusts of the knife. The kid who did it was about 13 or 14. Stevie was 17 or 18. I had had a
prior run-in with the fella who did it; I didn’t think it was an accident.
There was another housing project nearby and the boys from our two projects got into fights
every so often. I could say that it was about ‘turf’, but it was about boys being boys, and in a
housing project. I don’t regret living there even though my mother once told me not to tell anyone where I lived.
Today, and for the past few decades drugs, violence and turf are synonymous with the word gang.
Somehow in our society there is not as much concern, nor media coverage of another type of gang that is synonymous with drugs, violence and turf: that is the Mafia, or other organized criminal groups. No most of the media coverage is about youth gangs.
I often heard that ‘the military makes a man out of you.’ Or, that being in the military is certain
to make a young man mature, grow as a person and gain some wisdom. And, there is no doubt that
if you asked any parent which they would prefer their children to be in a ‘gang’, or the military many may opt for the military.
Jimmy P, was a good African-American friend of mine in the 1970s. He was also an ex-marine like me. Jimmy called such choices, or say, the choice between voting for Obama or Clinton, or other such choices like being in a gang or the military a ‘choice between constipation and darrhea!’
I was in Marine Corps boot camp two weeks after graduating from high school; I was 17. I was trained as a rifleman; a ‘grunt’ in Marine Corps terms. I am lucky to be alive, and thank God Allah, and the poor snipers trying to take me out when I was the radioman.
When I returned I did my best to steer my children from the military. The reason is simple; if you go to war you do not come back the same. I had been in two military hospitals; they were full of young men who had one, two, or all four limbs missing. Others were blind, deaf, or gone mad from the terror that they endured, or from seeing their friends blown to bits…
Many men in Vietnam were killed by an anti-personnel mine called the ‘Bouncing Betty.’ The mine would shoot up to waist level and rip off the legs of the victim; the man behind him may die, or be fatally injured. A young man’s sex life was forever impaired. Imagine being 18 or 19, and in the best physical condition possible, and within a split second it ends. Death, limbs being torn off, maiming, deafness (from the explosion), blindness and more.
I remember the first dead man that I helped to carry. I have always described the expression on his face as ‘frozen pain.’ That is, his face was turned to the side, his body arched slightly upwards, and his face contained the pain and shock that registered just as he was killed in a horrendous explosion. It was a land mine. We had to carry him for a few miles or more, so his face is still with me even as I type this.
What is worse is what war does to anybody from an infant, or young child to the oldest man or woman as happens daily in Gaza, or now in Libya, or in Vietnam. My friends and I were never the same. Over 58, 000 thousand Americans died in that war, but over 100,000 have taken their own life after returning from the war zone. War kills…and keeps killing long after the last gun is silent.
In Afghanistan more military men and women take their own life than the number being killed in combat. Think about that; the main cause of death of U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan is suicide. They are killing themselves. And, the ‘Suicide rate triples for female soldiers when they
go to Iraq or Afghanistan.’ Our leaders and war are killing the youth.
And it will continue to do so long after the war is over; until the last veteran of those wars
has died! Among American combat veterans there is a higher rate of alcohol or drug use, broken marriages and more.
Near the end of World War II the U.S. military was discharging more soldiers than it could conscript into military service. Why is all the above so? It is a measure of the effect of war on the soul. It is what a person sees, does or experiences that is not normal.
At 18 I had to wipe up human remains from a bunker. The night before we were under attack
by teams of sappers; suicide bombers. Two men from the next bunker came running towards us screaming hysterically ‘They’re all around us ...we’re gonna get killed.’ My team leader and I
grabbed one each, and covered their mouths, and put our bayonets to their throats.
Chief whispered 'Shut the fuck up. Get back into your hole. Keep your head down, and your
eyes and ears open, and don't bring them over here.' I had given my man a look that was meant to scare him as much as what had just terrorized him. I was scared too, but knew panic is deadly.
They ran back. We evacuated our bunker; everyone knew it by then. We went uphill about ten
feet, and hid behind a large tree with bushes. After a few minutes a sapper was in their bunker and
knifing them to keep them there until his satchel detonated. We listened to them scream and beg
in agony and terror of their last seconds (6-7) of life. They were fifty feet away, and one cried aloud ‘Oh God’ just before the explosion. It was awful.
Later that morning my platoon Sgt. said ‘we got two new men coming in on the copter, and we don’t want them to see it (the bunker) like that. I nodded and took the rags, and went in to clean it
up. My training hadn't taught me how to clean up the exploded remains of marines. The bunker was
coated with blood, bits of flesh, brain, bone and whatever. I almost cracked. It was horrible. Most of all, God, I didn’t want another Marine to see me crying…so I stuffed it. At one point I said to myself 'You can't do this. You can't do this (cry). So, I stuffed way down, but have cried many times since leaving that hill.
I’ve had to live with that for the past 42 years. Everyone who ends up in war has their own personal
Things they carry. So, to me, military service is not a better option. Our leaders are criminals when that is the best that they continually put our young people through. I consider those like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or now, Obama to be members of a criminal gang of the highest order; they plan and execute wars of aggression.
We as a community, or society, must find other options for young kids and men other than gangs.
I can now say that when I was in the Marines in Vietnam I belonged to a gang of murderers. I’m lucky to have survived.
Gangs or the Military: Which is Worse?
Gangs or the Military: Which is Worse?
While growing up kids face many dangers in trying to negotiate life. The very term
‘gang’ has a bad connotation. We think of drugs and violence. But, gangs are not new,
though the element of drug involvement is more today than when I was a teenager.
When I was seven ‘West Side Story’ came out…when you’re a jet you’re a jet all the way…’
Back then gangs were more about ‘turf’ than drugs. For instance, I grew up in a housing project,
and by the time I was twelve two boys had died. One, Ronnie, was killed during a fight after being struck on the temple with a rock. It was not deliberate.
Stephen was knifed in the heart; his death was called an accident, but the autopsy showed
to thrusts of the knife. The kid who did it was about 13 or 14. Stevie was 17 or 18. I had had a
prior run-in with the fella who did it; I didn’t think it was an accident.
There was another housing project nearby and the boys from our two projects got into fights
every so often. I could say that it was about ‘turf’, but it was about boys being boys, and in a
housing project. I don’t regret living there even though my mother once told me not to tell anyone where I lived.
Today, and for the past few decades drugs, violence and turf are synonymous with the word gang.
Somehow in our society there is not as much concern, nor media coverage of another type of gang that is synonymous with drugs, violence and turf: that is the Mafia, or other organized criminal groups. No most of the media coverage is about youth gangs.
I often heard that ‘the military makes a man out of you.’ Or, that being in the military is certain
to make a young man mature, grow as a person and gain some wisdom. And, there is no doubt that
if you asked any parent which they would prefer their children to be in a ‘gang’, or the military many may opt for the military.
Jimmy P, was a good African-American friend of mine in the 1970s. He was also an ex-marine like me. Jimmy called such choices, or say, the choice between voting for Obama or Clinton, or other such choices like being in a gang or the military a ‘choice between constipation and darrhea!’
I was in Marine Corps boot camp two weeks after graduating from high school; I was 17. I was trained as a rifleman; a ‘grunt’ in Marine Corps terms. I am lucky to be alive, and thank God Allah, and the poor snipers trying to take me out when I was the radioman.
When I returned I did my best to steer my children from the military. The reason is simple; if you go to war you do not come back the same. I had been in two military hospitals; they were full of young men who had one, two, or all four limbs missing. Others were blind, deaf, or gone mad from the terror that they endured, or from seeing their friends blown to bits…
Many men in Vietnam were killed by an anti-personnel mine called the ‘Bouncing Betty.’ The mine would shoot up to waist level and rip off the legs of the victim; the man behind him may die, or be fatally injured. A young man’s sex life was forever impaired. Imagine being 18 or 19, and in the best physical condition possible, and within a split second it ends. Death, limbs being torn off, maiming, deafness (from the explosion), blindness and more.
I remember the first dead man that I helped to carry. I have always described the expression on his face as ‘frozen pain.’ That is, his face was turned to the side, his body arched slightly upwards, and his face contained the pain and shock that registered just as he was killed in a horrendous explosion. It was a land mine. We had to carry him for a few miles or more, so his face is still with me even as I type this.
What is worse is what war does to anybody from an infant, or young child to the oldest man or woman as happens daily in Gaza, or now in Libya, or in Vietnam. My friends and I were never the same. Over 58, 000 thousand Americans died in that war, but over 100,000 have taken their own life after returning from the war zone. War kills…and keeps killing long after the last gun is silent.
In Afghanistan more military men and women take their own life than the number being killed in combat. Think about that; the main cause of death of U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan is suicide. They are killing themselves. And, the ‘Suicide rate triples for female soldiers when they
go to Iraq or Afghanistan.’ Our leaders and war are killing the youth.
And it will continue to do so long after the war is over; until the last veteran of those wars
has died! Among American combat veterans there is a higher rate of alcohol or drug use, broken marriages and more.
Near the end of World War II the U.S. military was discharging more soldiers than it could conscript into military service. Why is all the above so? It is a measure of the effect of war on the soul. It is what a person sees, does or experiences that is not normal.
At 18 I had to wipe up human remains from a bunker. The night before we were under attack
by teams of sappers; suicide bombers. Two men from the next bunker came running towards us screaming hysterically ‘They’re all around us ...we’re gonna get killed.’ My team leader and I
grabbed one each, and covered their mouths, and put our bayonets to their throats.
Chief whispered 'Shut the fuck up. Get back into your hole. Keep your head down, and your
eyes and ears open, and don't bring them over here.' I had given my man a look that was meant to scare him as much as what had just terrorized him. I was scared too, but knew panic is deadly.
They ran back. We evacuated our bunker; everyone knew it by then. We went uphill about ten
feet, and hid behind a large tree with bushes. After a few minutes a sapper was in their bunker and
knifing them to keep them there until his satchel detonated. We listened to them scream and beg
in agony and terror of their last seconds (6-7) of life. They were fifty feet away, and one cried aloud ‘Oh God’ just before the explosion. It was awful.
Later that morning my platoon Sgt. said ‘we got two new men coming in on the copter, and we don’t want them to see it (the bunker) like that. I nodded and took the rags, and went in to clean it
up. My training hadn't taught me how to clean up the exploded remains of marines. The bunker was
coated with blood, bits of flesh, brain, bone and whatever. I almost cracked. It was horrible. Most of all, God, I didn’t want another Marine to see me crying…so I stuffed it. At one point I said to myself 'You can't do this. You can't do this (cry). So, I stuffed way down, but have cried many times since leaving that hill.
I’ve had to live with that for the past 42 years. Everyone who ends up in war has their own personal
Things they carry. So, to me, military service is not a better option. Our leaders are criminals when that is the best that they continually put our young people through. I consider those like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or now, Obama to be members of a criminal gang of the highest order; they plan and execute wars of aggression.
We as a community, or society, must find other options for young kids and men other than gangs.
I can now say that when I was in the Marines in Vietnam I belonged to a gang of murderers. I’m lucky to have survived.
While growing up kids face many dangers in trying to negotiate life. The very term
‘gang’ has a bad connotation. We think of drugs and violence. But, gangs are not new,
though the element of drug involvement is more today than when I was a teenager.
When I was seven ‘West Side Story’ came out…when you’re a jet you’re a jet all the way…’
Back then gangs were more about ‘turf’ than drugs. For instance, I grew up in a housing project,
and by the time I was twelve two boys had died. One, Ronnie, was killed during a fight after being struck on the temple with a rock. It was not deliberate.
Stephen was knifed in the heart; his death was called an accident, but the autopsy showed
to thrusts of the knife. The kid who did it was about 13 or 14. Stevie was 17 or 18. I had had a
prior run-in with the fella who did it; I didn’t think it was an accident.
There was another housing project nearby and the boys from our two projects got into fights
every so often. I could say that it was about ‘turf’, but it was about boys being boys, and in a
housing project. I don’t regret living there even though my mother once told me not to tell anyone where I lived.
Today, and for the past few decades drugs, violence and turf are synonymous with the word gang.
Somehow in our society there is not as much concern, nor media coverage of another type of gang that is synonymous with drugs, violence and turf: that is the Mafia, or other organized criminal groups. No most of the media coverage is about youth gangs.
I often heard that ‘the military makes a man out of you.’ Or, that being in the military is certain
to make a young man mature, grow as a person and gain some wisdom. And, there is no doubt that
if you asked any parent which they would prefer their children to be in a ‘gang’, or the military many may opt for the military.
Jimmy P, was a good African-American friend of mine in the 1970s. He was also an ex-marine like me. Jimmy called such choices, or say, the choice between voting for Obama or Clinton, or other such choices like being in a gang or the military a ‘choice between constipation and darrhea!’
I was in Marine Corps boot camp two weeks after graduating from high school; I was 17. I was trained as a rifleman; a ‘grunt’ in Marine Corps terms. I am lucky to be alive, and thank God Allah, and the poor snipers trying to take me out when I was the radioman.
When I returned I did my best to steer my children from the military. The reason is simple; if you go to war you do not come back the same. I had been in two military hospitals; they were full of young men who had one, two, or all four limbs missing. Others were blind, deaf, or gone mad from the terror that they endured, or from seeing their friends blown to bits…
Many men in Vietnam were killed by an anti-personnel mine called the ‘Bouncing Betty.’ The mine would shoot up to waist level and rip off the legs of the victim; the man behind him may die, or be fatally injured. A young man’s sex life was forever impaired. Imagine being 18 or 19, and in the best physical condition possible, and within a split second it ends. Death, limbs being torn off, maiming, deafness (from the explosion), blindness and more.
I remember the first dead man that I helped to carry. I have always described the expression on his face as ‘frozen pain.’ That is, his face was turned to the side, his body arched slightly upwards, and his face contained the pain and shock that registered just as he was killed in a horrendous explosion. It was a land mine. We had to carry him for a few miles or more, so his face is still with me even as I type this.
What is worse is what war does to anybody from an infant, or young child to the oldest man or woman as happens daily in Gaza, or now in Libya, or in Vietnam. My friends and I were never the same. Over 58, 000 thousand Americans died in that war, but over 100,000 have taken their own life after returning from the war zone. War kills…and keeps killing long after the last gun is silent.
In Afghanistan more military men and women take their own life than the number being killed in combat. Think about that; the main cause of death of U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan is suicide. They are killing themselves. And, the ‘Suicide rate triples for female soldiers when they
go to Iraq or Afghanistan.’ Our leaders and war are killing the youth.
And it will continue to do so long after the war is over; until the last veteran of those wars
has died! Among American combat veterans there is a higher rate of alcohol or drug use, broken marriages and more.
Near the end of World War II the U.S. military was discharging more soldiers than it could conscript into military service. Why is all the above so? It is a measure of the effect of war on the soul. It is what a person sees, does or experiences that is not normal.
At 18 I had to wipe up human remains from a bunker. The night before we were under attack
by teams of sappers; suicide bombers. Two men from the next bunker came running towards us screaming hysterically ‘They’re all around us ...we’re gonna get killed.’ My team leader and I
grabbed one each, and covered their mouths, and put our bayonets to their throats.
Chief whispered 'Shut the fuck up. Get back into your hole. Keep your head down, and your
eyes and ears open, and don't bring them over here.' I had given my man a look that was meant to scare him as much as what had just terrorized him. I was scared too, but knew panic is deadly.
They ran back. We evacuated our bunker; everyone knew it by then. We went uphill about ten
feet, and hid behind a large tree with bushes. After a few minutes a sapper was in their bunker and
knifing them to keep them there until his satchel detonated. We listened to them scream and beg
in agony and terror of their last seconds (6-7) of life. They were fifty feet away, and one cried aloud ‘Oh God’ just before the explosion. It was awful.
Later that morning my platoon Sgt. said ‘we got two new men coming in on the copter, and we don’t want them to see it (the bunker) like that. I nodded and took the rags, and went in to clean it
up. My training hadn't taught me how to clean up the exploded remains of marines. The bunker was
coated with blood, bits of flesh, brain, bone and whatever. I almost cracked. It was horrible. Most of all, God, I didn’t want another Marine to see me crying…so I stuffed it. At one point I said to myself 'You can't do this. You can't do this (cry). So, I stuffed way down, but have cried many times since leaving that hill.
I’ve had to live with that for the past 42 years. Everyone who ends up in war has their own personal
Things they carry. So, to me, military service is not a better option. Our leaders are criminals when that is the best that they continually put our young people through. I consider those like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or now, Obama to be members of a criminal gang of the highest order; they plan and execute wars of aggression.
We as a community, or society, must find other options for young kids and men other than gangs.
I can now say that when I was in the Marines in Vietnam I belonged to a gang of murderers. I’m lucky to have survived.
Friday, March 18, 2011
A Letter to American Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen
A Letter to American Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen
RE: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya…say no to WAR and REBEL
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." Martin Luther King- in his speech on April 4, 1967.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is almost 44 years since Martin Luther King spoke those words, and they are as true today-even more so given America’s history since then- as they were when he spoke them.
I speak to you as a war veteran. I was a U. S. Marine Corps ‘grunt’ and radioman during the Vietnam War, and it is only by the Grace of God that I am alive today. I went to Vietnam sincerely believing that I was helping to free the Vietnamese people from oppression. I was wrong; I was 18 and went twice. Like many GI’s I swallowed a pack of lies, and propaganda by our government.
I was part of an army engaged in an aggressive and illegal war. The American military brutalized the Vietnamese. Our War in Vietnam killed three million people in South East Asia. Untold numbers of people were wounded, families destroyed, the land and water poisoned by deadly toxins like Agent Orange.
To this day dioxin, the deadly ingredient of Agent Orange causes the same type of birth defects in Vietnamese children and the children of veterans who fought in that war. Our government denies this. Millions of mines and cluster bombs were left, killing many children and farmers yearly. Our government refused to help locate and defuse them.
In time I realized that we, the American’s, were the only ones who stood in the way of the
freedom and liberation of the Vietnamese people. We, the Americans, were the ‘Redcoats’ in Vietnam.
Today, our government is prepared to wage war on the people of Libya. Our leaders talk about freedom and democracy, but they always say these things because they cannot say ‘We want you to go fight and die, if necessary for our oil companies, and the banks that rule America. Major General Smedley D. Butler (a two time recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor) had this to say about war:
“WAR is a racket. It always has been
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious…It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War.”
And, “There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.”
The leaders of America have used the spectre of terrorism to keep our country in perpetual war. Our leaders are like others in history hell bent on dominating the world. In any war the military needs oil, and must deny this resource to the enemy.
The people of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, have stood up against oppressive regimes that our leaders, the CIA and the US military have supported for decades. Our government has supported the worst dictators in the world. These people are struggling to free themselves, and their struggle is like America’s civil war in that it is up to the people to determine their own destiny free from foreign interference.
Our leaders backed the brutal Mubarak regime for 30 years. Egypt is the main place where the CIA has sent people to be tortured and murdered!
To save the interests of the oil companies and bankers the US may have to send in US troops. You will be lied to as I was before I went to Vietnam. You may be told you are fighting Muslim fundamentalist, or whatever. Yet nothing is said of the Christian fundamentalists who rule America.
I say this to you:
Your enemies are not in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya Yemen, Somalia or anywhere but those on Wall Street, and the politicians who work for them! The real terrorist cells are those in the CIA, White House, and Pentagon who plan great violence against innocent peoples who are at peace with America. Think about it; Americas is always attacking countries who did no harm to America.
On 9/11 a small handful of terrorist from the CIA, Mossad (google: The Five Dancing Israelis), and rogue elements within the US military (General Richard B. Meyers et al) perpetrated a ‘False Flag’ attack on American soil and blamed Muslims. Before 9/11 the air defense system of the US, particularly the East Coast was deliberately neutralized for 9/11. This was done by sending almost all fighter interceptor jets away from the East Coast to Canada, Alaska, Iceland, and other states.
The events of 9/11 were ‘False Flag’ attacks conducted from within to give a pretext for wars of aggression. This is treason of the highest order, and the treason continues with the lies and cover up and the blaming of innocent people by calling them Muslim extremist.
Ask yourself this: why is there a no fly zone being imposed on Libya, yet Israel has bombed the Palestinian people at will whenever and wherever it wished to. The Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from their homes in Palestine in 1948 ; and today live in a state of Apartheid.
Why is there a no talk about a no fly zone, over Bahrain where troops from Saudi Arabia have invaded to put down protesters? Obama has said that the invading Saudi army is not an invasion!
If the Canadian army moved into Wisconsin to put down protesters, and Obama or the Canadian leaders said that the tanks and armoured troop carriers were not an invasion would they be telling you the truth, or lying?
Why is there a no fly zone over Afghanistan where American planes regularly bomb and kill innocent people?
Ditto for Iraq.
President Bush said in 2003 that America did not seek to stay in Iraq, or take its oil resources.
What is the truth?
How many of the Bush family have volunteered for military service since 9/11? 0!
Our rulers send troops into some countries under the pretext of saving American Embassy staff, or to restore ‘law and order.’ It is not your affair; it is the fundamental right of all peoples to determine what type of government they wish to have, and to do it without outside interference.
In 1935 Major General Smedley D. Butler USMC, Retired (Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient) had this to say: ‘WAR is a racket. It always has been.
There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.
It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession…I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.’
What can you do?
The same thing that the soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen came to do during the Vietnam War: refuse to be used to oppress another people, or be used to put down their revolution. To do so takes a higher form of courage than going into combat out of fear of the consequences of doing the right thing. Your duty is to protect and defend the Constitution and American soil, not oil wells!
The greatest contribution that you can make is to take over the ships, aircraft carriers, planes and force the officers to surrender their arms, and to withdraw all troops from foreign soil and bring them back to America, and finally put an end to an America that more and more resembles the Nazi war machine.
Then, we may put our own war criminals on trial.
May God guide you to do good. It is a hard decision. I know. If it were not for the US military many of the world’s people would be free
Peace Unto You
RE: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya…say no to WAR and REBEL
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." Martin Luther King- in his speech on April 4, 1967.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is almost 44 years since Martin Luther King spoke those words, and they are as true today-even more so given America’s history since then- as they were when he spoke them.
I speak to you as a war veteran. I was a U. S. Marine Corps ‘grunt’ and radioman during the Vietnam War, and it is only by the Grace of God that I am alive today. I went to Vietnam sincerely believing that I was helping to free the Vietnamese people from oppression. I was wrong; I was 18 and went twice. Like many GI’s I swallowed a pack of lies, and propaganda by our government.
I was part of an army engaged in an aggressive and illegal war. The American military brutalized the Vietnamese. Our War in Vietnam killed three million people in South East Asia. Untold numbers of people were wounded, families destroyed, the land and water poisoned by deadly toxins like Agent Orange.
To this day dioxin, the deadly ingredient of Agent Orange causes the same type of birth defects in Vietnamese children and the children of veterans who fought in that war. Our government denies this. Millions of mines and cluster bombs were left, killing many children and farmers yearly. Our government refused to help locate and defuse them.
In time I realized that we, the American’s, were the only ones who stood in the way of the
freedom and liberation of the Vietnamese people. We, the Americans, were the ‘Redcoats’ in Vietnam.
Today, our government is prepared to wage war on the people of Libya. Our leaders talk about freedom and democracy, but they always say these things because they cannot say ‘We want you to go fight and die, if necessary for our oil companies, and the banks that rule America. Major General Smedley D. Butler (a two time recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor) had this to say about war:
“WAR is a racket. It always has been
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious…It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War.”
And, “There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.”
The leaders of America have used the spectre of terrorism to keep our country in perpetual war. Our leaders are like others in history hell bent on dominating the world. In any war the military needs oil, and must deny this resource to the enemy.
The people of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, have stood up against oppressive regimes that our leaders, the CIA and the US military have supported for decades. Our government has supported the worst dictators in the world. These people are struggling to free themselves, and their struggle is like America’s civil war in that it is up to the people to determine their own destiny free from foreign interference.
Our leaders backed the brutal Mubarak regime for 30 years. Egypt is the main place where the CIA has sent people to be tortured and murdered!
To save the interests of the oil companies and bankers the US may have to send in US troops. You will be lied to as I was before I went to Vietnam. You may be told you are fighting Muslim fundamentalist, or whatever. Yet nothing is said of the Christian fundamentalists who rule America.
I say this to you:
Your enemies are not in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya Yemen, Somalia or anywhere but those on Wall Street, and the politicians who work for them! The real terrorist cells are those in the CIA, White House, and Pentagon who plan great violence against innocent peoples who are at peace with America. Think about it; Americas is always attacking countries who did no harm to America.
On 9/11 a small handful of terrorist from the CIA, Mossad (google: The Five Dancing Israelis), and rogue elements within the US military (General Richard B. Meyers et al) perpetrated a ‘False Flag’ attack on American soil and blamed Muslims. Before 9/11 the air defense system of the US, particularly the East Coast was deliberately neutralized for 9/11. This was done by sending almost all fighter interceptor jets away from the East Coast to Canada, Alaska, Iceland, and other states.
The events of 9/11 were ‘False Flag’ attacks conducted from within to give a pretext for wars of aggression. This is treason of the highest order, and the treason continues with the lies and cover up and the blaming of innocent people by calling them Muslim extremist.
Ask yourself this: why is there a no fly zone being imposed on Libya, yet Israel has bombed the Palestinian people at will whenever and wherever it wished to. The Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from their homes in Palestine in 1948 ; and today live in a state of Apartheid.
Why is there a no talk about a no fly zone, over Bahrain where troops from Saudi Arabia have invaded to put down protesters? Obama has said that the invading Saudi army is not an invasion!
If the Canadian army moved into Wisconsin to put down protesters, and Obama or the Canadian leaders said that the tanks and armoured troop carriers were not an invasion would they be telling you the truth, or lying?
Why is there a no fly zone over Afghanistan where American planes regularly bomb and kill innocent people?
Ditto for Iraq.
President Bush said in 2003 that America did not seek to stay in Iraq, or take its oil resources.
What is the truth?
How many of the Bush family have volunteered for military service since 9/11? 0!
Our rulers send troops into some countries under the pretext of saving American Embassy staff, or to restore ‘law and order.’ It is not your affair; it is the fundamental right of all peoples to determine what type of government they wish to have, and to do it without outside interference.
In 1935 Major General Smedley D. Butler USMC, Retired (Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient) had this to say: ‘WAR is a racket. It always has been.
There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.
It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession…I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.’
What can you do?
The same thing that the soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen came to do during the Vietnam War: refuse to be used to oppress another people, or be used to put down their revolution. To do so takes a higher form of courage than going into combat out of fear of the consequences of doing the right thing. Your duty is to protect and defend the Constitution and American soil, not oil wells!
The greatest contribution that you can make is to take over the ships, aircraft carriers, planes and force the officers to surrender their arms, and to withdraw all troops from foreign soil and bring them back to America, and finally put an end to an America that more and more resembles the Nazi war machine.
Then, we may put our own war criminals on trial.
May God guide you to do good. It is a hard decision. I know. If it were not for the US military many of the world’s people would be free
Peace Unto You
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A response to Senator Kerry: Intervention in Libya is a War of Aggression by an Imperial Power
A response to Senator Kerry: Intervention in Libya is a War of Aggression by an Imperial Power
By Paul Meuse 16 March 2011
In an Opinion piece in Al Jazeera 'We must not wait for a massacre' ( 14 March 2011) Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) called for a no fly zone to be imposed over Libya by the U.S. and its allies; the so-called 'free world' countries before Gaddafi starts massacring his people.
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." Martin Luther King- in his speech on April 4, 1967.
Senator Kerry, any intervention by the Unites States, or NATO powers is a war of aggression under the guise if humanitarianism! The United States and its allies have no right to intervene in Libya, nor anywhere else; the United States is at this very moment, and has since October 2001 been waging multiple wars of aggression.
Intervention violates the sovereignty of Libya, and robs the Libyan people of their Right of Self-Determination. Once the US is involved the Libyan people will have a new enemy: the United States.
Senator Kerry your main argument is that ‘We must not wait for a massacre’ before taking action. And, you say the U. S. and its allies ‘will lead the free world to avoid the senseless slaughter of any more Libyan citizens by a madman bent on maintaining power’ if necessary.
Who is the so-called free world?
Before this revolt broke out the U.S. was prepared to provide Gadhafi with almost 50 ‘armoured troop carriers’ to the tune of $77 million.
And, European Union countries provided Gadhafi’s regime with $470 million in weaponry, such as Italian military jets, British ammunition, and small arms from Malta? Is this the ‘free world’ you speak of?
Senator Kerry Still, you mention ‘the spectre that haunts’ you is - ordinary people facing off against an autocrat's airpower and well-armed soldiers.’ That happened in Vietnam. Now it is in Bahrain home to the U.S. fleet? Is it okay for friendly dictators to gun people down in the streets?
As for your worry about Gadhafi ‘killing civilians in large numbers’ the United States has killed over 1.5 million Iraqi’s; dumped depleted uranium in its cities, farms, fields and water supplies. The U.S. has no moral authority; its leaders are war criminals today as they were during the Vietnam War!
Back then you recognized that!
I was a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran; a ‘grunt’, and volunteered twice. The U.S. leaders care not about the Libyan people, but about losing control of the region, and to that end the U.S. has backed the most corrupt regimes as long as they did the bidding of the U.S. What about the killing in Saudi Arabia, or BAHRAIN or other ‘good’ U.S. allies?
You mention the need ‘to avoid the perception of NATO or the US attacking another Muslim country,’ and that ‘six Arab countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) support a no fly zone. Are these countries democratic or autocratic regimes?
You profess concern about bloodshed in Libya. What about the war in Democratic Republic of Congo? Over 5 million people have died since 1998.
If it is true as you say that ‘a no-fly zone would eliminate airstrikes and save civilian lives.’ Then please explain why this does not apply to Israeli whose jet fighters bomb the living sh*t out of unarmed and innocent Palestinian people who were ‘ethnically cleansed’ from their homes?
The U.S. provides the planes and bombs which kill Palestinian people, and especially children in highly disproportionate numbers. They have been bombed since 1948; there’s no attempt to stop this awful slaughter.
And, as for the ‘US…taking a united stand against a thug who is killing Muslims.’ The U. S. is the biggest thug and threat to Muslims on this planet.
The word oil is always left out, but it’s THE reason why the U.S. is in the Middle East, and now Africa. the U.S. does not want democracy it has always preferred despots; they are more reliable.
By Paul Meuse 16 March 2011
In an Opinion piece in Al Jazeera 'We must not wait for a massacre' ( 14 March 2011) Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) called for a no fly zone to be imposed over Libya by the U.S. and its allies; the so-called 'free world' countries before Gaddafi starts massacring his people.
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." Martin Luther King- in his speech on April 4, 1967.
Senator Kerry, any intervention by the Unites States, or NATO powers is a war of aggression under the guise if humanitarianism! The United States and its allies have no right to intervene in Libya, nor anywhere else; the United States is at this very moment, and has since October 2001 been waging multiple wars of aggression.
Intervention violates the sovereignty of Libya, and robs the Libyan people of their Right of Self-Determination. Once the US is involved the Libyan people will have a new enemy: the United States.
Senator Kerry your main argument is that ‘We must not wait for a massacre’ before taking action. And, you say the U. S. and its allies ‘will lead the free world to avoid the senseless slaughter of any more Libyan citizens by a madman bent on maintaining power’ if necessary.
Who is the so-called free world?
Before this revolt broke out the U.S. was prepared to provide Gadhafi with almost 50 ‘armoured troop carriers’ to the tune of $77 million.
And, European Union countries provided Gadhafi’s regime with $470 million in weaponry, such as Italian military jets, British ammunition, and small arms from Malta? Is this the ‘free world’ you speak of?
Senator Kerry Still, you mention ‘the spectre that haunts’ you is - ordinary people facing off against an autocrat's airpower and well-armed soldiers.’ That happened in Vietnam. Now it is in Bahrain home to the U.S. fleet? Is it okay for friendly dictators to gun people down in the streets?
As for your worry about Gadhafi ‘killing civilians in large numbers’ the United States has killed over 1.5 million Iraqi’s; dumped depleted uranium in its cities, farms, fields and water supplies. The U.S. has no moral authority; its leaders are war criminals today as they were during the Vietnam War!
Back then you recognized that!
I was a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran; a ‘grunt’, and volunteered twice. The U.S. leaders care not about the Libyan people, but about losing control of the region, and to that end the U.S. has backed the most corrupt regimes as long as they did the bidding of the U.S. What about the killing in Saudi Arabia, or BAHRAIN or other ‘good’ U.S. allies?
You mention the need ‘to avoid the perception of NATO or the US attacking another Muslim country,’ and that ‘six Arab countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) support a no fly zone. Are these countries democratic or autocratic regimes?
You profess concern about bloodshed in Libya. What about the war in Democratic Republic of Congo? Over 5 million people have died since 1998.
If it is true as you say that ‘a no-fly zone would eliminate airstrikes and save civilian lives.’ Then please explain why this does not apply to Israeli whose jet fighters bomb the living sh*t out of unarmed and innocent Palestinian people who were ‘ethnically cleansed’ from their homes?
The U.S. provides the planes and bombs which kill Palestinian people, and especially children in highly disproportionate numbers. They have been bombed since 1948; there’s no attempt to stop this awful slaughter.
And, as for the ‘US…taking a united stand against a thug who is killing Muslims.’ The U. S. is the biggest thug and threat to Muslims on this planet.
The word oil is always left out, but it’s THE reason why the U.S. is in the Middle East, and now Africa. the U.S. does not want democracy it has always preferred despots; they are more reliable.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A response to Senator Kerry: Intervention in Libya is a War of Aggression by an Imperial Power
This letter is a rsponse to an Opinion piece in Al Jazeera by Senator John Kerry
of Massachusetts 'We must not wait for a massacre' calling for a no fly zone to be imposed over Libya by the U.S. and its allies; the so-called 'free world' countries.
US senator says the world cannot wait for Gaddafi to start massacring his people before acting.
John Kerry Last Modified: 14 Mar 2011
It should be note that John Kerry was once a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW).
A response to Senator Kerry: Intervention in Libya is a War of Aggression by an Imperial Power
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." Martin Luther King- in his speech on April 4, 1967.
Senator Kerry, any intervention by the Unites States, or NATO powers is a war
of aggression under the guise if humanitarianism! The United States and its allies have no right to intervene in Libya, nor anywhere else; the United States is at this very moment, and has since October 2001 been waging multiple wars of aggression.
Intervention violates the sovereignty of Libya, and intervention strips the Libyan people
of the Right of Self-Determination. Once the US is involved the Libyan people will have a new enemy: the United States.
Senator Kerry your main argument is that ‘We must not wait for a massacre’ before taking action. And, you say the United States and its allies ‘will lead the free world to avoid the senseless slaughter of any more Libyan citizens by a madman bent on maintaining power’ if necessary.
Who is the so-called free world?
Before this revolt broke out the U.S. was prepared to provide Gadhafi with almost 50 ‘armoured troop carriers’ to the tune of $77 million.
Or are you talking about the European Union countries which provided the Gadhafi regime with $470 million in weaponry, including Italian military jets, ammo supplied by the British, and small arms for his army supplied by Malta? Who are you talking about?
Senator Kerry Still, you mention ‘the spectre that haunts me is the same - ordinary people facing off against an autocrat's airpower and well-armed soldiers.’ Are you talking about Bahrain; home to the U.S. fleet? Or is it a wink and a nod to some friendly autocratic regimes who are gunning people down in the streets?
You mention your worry about Gadhafi ‘might well begin killing civilians in large numbers.’
The United States has killed over 1.5 million Iraqi’s. The U.S. has used depleted uranium on its cities, farms fields and water supplies. The U.S. has no moral authority; its leaders are war criminals today as they were during the Vietnam War, and you said so!
And, as a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran; a ‘grunt’; I believe that is true today as it were then. The leaders of the U.S. empire are not concerned about the Libyan people, but about not losing control of the region, and to the end our government has supported the most corrupt regimes as long as they did the bidding of the U.S.
As far trying to ‘avoid the perception of NATO or the US attacking another Muslim country…are you joking? Senator Kerry you have become everything you were against when you returned home from Vietnam; you are part of the problem…part of the oppressive system. And, as for those members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) do they represent democratic or autocratic regimes?
How can you allegedly be so concerned about saving lives in Libya when the longest running war on the planet which has killed over 5 million people does not draw any concern? I am talking about the war in the Democratic(?) Republic of Congo! Some call it Africa’s first World War.
If it is true (and it is not) as you say that ‘a no-fly zone would eliminate airstrikes and save civilian lives.’ Then please explain why not do the same to stop Israeli Occupation Forces jet fighters from bombing the living sh*t out of unarmed and innocent Palestinian people who have been ‘ethnically cleansed’ from their homes.
The U.S. provides the planes and bombs which kill Palestinian people, and especially children in highly disproportionate numbers. The Palestinian people have been bombed the longest, and there is no attempt to stop this awful slaughter.
So, Senator Kerry if you say that the U.S. and its allies ‘will lead the free world to avoid the senseless slaughter of any more Libyan citizens by a madman bent on maintaining power.’ My question is what about the killing in Saudi Arabia, or BAHRAIN or other ‘good’ U.S. allies?
And, as for the ‘US…taking a united stand against a thug who is killing Muslims.’ The U. S. is the biggest thug and threat to Muslims on this planet. Senator Kerry, you have lost your way.
The word oil is always left out, but it THE reason why the U.S. is in the Middle East, and now Africa. the U.S. does not want democratic revolution in Egypt. The U.S has always preferred despots; they are more reliable.
Senator Kerry I suggest you reread 'War is A Racket' by Major General Smedley D. Butler!
of Massachusetts 'We must not wait for a massacre' calling for a no fly zone to be imposed over Libya by the U.S. and its allies; the so-called 'free world' countries.
US senator says the world cannot wait for Gaddafi to start massacring his people before acting.
John Kerry Last Modified: 14 Mar 2011
It should be note that John Kerry was once a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW).
A response to Senator Kerry: Intervention in Libya is a War of Aggression by an Imperial Power
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." Martin Luther King- in his speech on April 4, 1967.
Senator Kerry, any intervention by the Unites States, or NATO powers is a war
of aggression under the guise if humanitarianism! The United States and its allies have no right to intervene in Libya, nor anywhere else; the United States is at this very moment, and has since October 2001 been waging multiple wars of aggression.
Intervention violates the sovereignty of Libya, and intervention strips the Libyan people
of the Right of Self-Determination. Once the US is involved the Libyan people will have a new enemy: the United States.
Senator Kerry your main argument is that ‘We must not wait for a massacre’ before taking action. And, you say the United States and its allies ‘will lead the free world to avoid the senseless slaughter of any more Libyan citizens by a madman bent on maintaining power’ if necessary.
Who is the so-called free world?
Before this revolt broke out the U.S. was prepared to provide Gadhafi with almost 50 ‘armoured troop carriers’ to the tune of $77 million.
Or are you talking about the European Union countries which provided the Gadhafi regime with $470 million in weaponry, including Italian military jets, ammo supplied by the British, and small arms for his army supplied by Malta? Who are you talking about?
Senator Kerry Still, you mention ‘the spectre that haunts me is the same - ordinary people facing off against an autocrat's airpower and well-armed soldiers.’ Are you talking about Bahrain; home to the U.S. fleet? Or is it a wink and a nod to some friendly autocratic regimes who are gunning people down in the streets?
You mention your worry about Gadhafi ‘might well begin killing civilians in large numbers.’
The United States has killed over 1.5 million Iraqi’s. The U.S. has used depleted uranium on its cities, farms fields and water supplies. The U.S. has no moral authority; its leaders are war criminals today as they were during the Vietnam War, and you said so!
And, as a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran; a ‘grunt’; I believe that is true today as it were then. The leaders of the U.S. empire are not concerned about the Libyan people, but about not losing control of the region, and to the end our government has supported the most corrupt regimes as long as they did the bidding of the U.S.
As far trying to ‘avoid the perception of NATO or the US attacking another Muslim country…are you joking? Senator Kerry you have become everything you were against when you returned home from Vietnam; you are part of the problem…part of the oppressive system. And, as for those members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) do they represent democratic or autocratic regimes?
How can you allegedly be so concerned about saving lives in Libya when the longest running war on the planet which has killed over 5 million people does not draw any concern? I am talking about the war in the Democratic(?) Republic of Congo! Some call it Africa’s first World War.
If it is true (and it is not) as you say that ‘a no-fly zone would eliminate airstrikes and save civilian lives.’ Then please explain why not do the same to stop Israeli Occupation Forces jet fighters from bombing the living sh*t out of unarmed and innocent Palestinian people who have been ‘ethnically cleansed’ from their homes.
The U.S. provides the planes and bombs which kill Palestinian people, and especially children in highly disproportionate numbers. The Palestinian people have been bombed the longest, and there is no attempt to stop this awful slaughter.
So, Senator Kerry if you say that the U.S. and its allies ‘will lead the free world to avoid the senseless slaughter of any more Libyan citizens by a madman bent on maintaining power.’ My question is what about the killing in Saudi Arabia, or BAHRAIN or other ‘good’ U.S. allies?
And, as for the ‘US…taking a united stand against a thug who is killing Muslims.’ The U. S. is the biggest thug and threat to Muslims on this planet. Senator Kerry, you have lost your way.
The word oil is always left out, but it THE reason why the U.S. is in the Middle East, and now Africa. the U.S. does not want democratic revolution in Egypt. The U.S has always preferred despots; they are more reliable.
Senator Kerry I suggest you reread 'War is A Racket' by Major General Smedley D. Butler!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
With all the great criminality that exists in the world today, such as multiple wars being waged by the United States of America (commonly called
the Global War on Terrorism-GWT), which is really a War of Terror being waged principally by the United States against the peoples of the world.
Add on the greatest criminal heist, or robbery in the history of this planet
by the wealthy classes; it is open warfare by one class against the masses. This
is an enforced attempt to permanently enslave billions of people in perpetual
debt, starvation and disease. It is nothing short of a new serfdom.
While all of the killing goes on in Afghanistan, Iraq, and drones coming
out of the sky in Pakistan reigning down death and destruction, which is an act
of war by the U.S.
With the U.S. military involved in African wars.
With the U.S. having a worldwide system of torture Gulags, and torturing prisoners like Bradley Manning the Pope, (the Capo di tutti capi or capo dei
capi- or the boss of all bosses as their Maifia call their main man) and the
entire hierarchy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church remains as silent as it did during the holocaust.
My guess is that the intelligence services and militaries of various
countries have so much on these fellas that they probably tell the Pope ‘look
we’ll look the other way while you go about raping and buggering children, and
have those weird sex parties and practices with each other, but if you dare to
open your mouth and speak about what we’re doing, or if you dare to criticize Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people, or our Genocidal aims against Muslim
peoples in general you’ll be dead or in jail so fast it’ll make your Miter spin! So, keep your
mouth shut!
Oh, well let you make your bullshit appeals for peace at Easter and
Christmas, and maybe a few other occasions, but you better screen your
statements with us just like you screened any proposed statements about the mistreatment of Jews with the Nazis during World War II. Other than that you
mind your own f**king business and you can go bugger each other like you are now,
you bunch of weirdos in drag!
Libya. On August 19, 1981, U.S. planes based on the carrier U.S.S. Nimitz shot down two Libyan jets over the Gulf of Sidra after one of the Libyan jets had fired a heat-seeking missile.
Libya. On April 16, 1986, President Reagan reported that U.S. air and naval forces had conducted bombing strikes on terrorist facilities and military installations in Libya.
Libya. On January 4, 1989, two U.S. Navy F-14 aircraft based on the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy shot down two Libyan jet fighters over the Mediterranean Sea about 70 miles north of Libya. The U.S. pilots said the Libyan planes had demonstrated hostile intentions.
Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. In this report, the President noted that U.S. anti-terror related activities were underway in Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Eritrea..
Horn of Africa / East Africa On May 20, 2005, the President sent to Congress "consistent with the War Powers Resolution… multiple ongoing United States military deployments and operations "in support of the global war on terrorism," as well as operations in Iraq. U.S. forces are also deployed in Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Eritrea, and Djibouti assisting in "enhancing counter-terrorism capabilities" of these nations.
With all the great criminality that exists in the world today, such as multiple wars being waged by the United States of America (commonly called
the Global War on Terrorism-GWT), which is really a War of Terror being waged principally by the United States against the peoples of the world.
Add on the greatest criminal heist, or robbery in the history of this planet
by the wealthy classes; it is open warfare by one class against the masses. This
is an enforced attempt to permanently enslave billions of people in perpetual
debt, starvation and disease. It is nothing short of a new serfdom.
While all of the killing goes on in Afghanistan, Iraq, and drones coming
out of the sky in Pakistan reigning down death and destruction, which is an act
of war by the U.S.
With the U.S. military involved in African wars.
With the U.S. having a worldwide system of torture Gulags, and torturing prisoners like Bradley Manning the Pope, (the Capo di tutti capi or capo dei
capi- or the boss of all bosses as their Maifia call their main man) and the
entire hierarchy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church remains as silent as it did during the holocaust.
My guess is that the intelligence services and militaries of various
countries have so much on these fellas that they probably tell the Pope ‘look
we’ll look the other way while you go about raping and buggering children, and
have those weird sex parties and practices with each other, but if you dare to
open your mouth and speak about what we’re doing, or if you dare to criticize Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people, or our Genocidal aims against Muslim
peoples in general you’ll be dead or in jail so fast it’ll make your Miter spin! So, keep your
mouth shut!
Oh, well let you make your bullshit appeals for peace at Easter and
Christmas, and maybe a few other occasions, but you better screen your
statements with us just like you screened any proposed statements about the mistreatment of Jews with the Nazis during World War II. Other than that you
mind your own f**king business and you can go bugger each other like you are now,
you bunch of weirdos in drag!
Libya. On August 19, 1981, U.S. planes based on the carrier U.S.S. Nimitz shot down two Libyan jets over the Gulf of Sidra after one of the Libyan jets had fired a heat-seeking missile.
Libya. On April 16, 1986, President Reagan reported that U.S. air and naval forces had conducted bombing strikes on terrorist facilities and military installations in Libya.
Libya. On January 4, 1989, two U.S. Navy F-14 aircraft based on the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy shot down two Libyan jet fighters over the Mediterranean Sea about 70 miles north of Libya. The U.S. pilots said the Libyan planes had demonstrated hostile intentions.
Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. In this report, the President noted that U.S. anti-terror related activities were underway in Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Eritrea..
Horn of Africa / East Africa On May 20, 2005, the President sent to Congress "consistent with the War Powers Resolution… multiple ongoing United States military deployments and operations "in support of the global war on terrorism," as well as operations in Iraq. U.S. forces are also deployed in Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Eritrea, and Djibouti assisting in "enhancing counter-terrorism capabilities" of these nations.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Gilad Atzmon: What About A No Fly Zone for The Palestinians?
Gilad Atzmon is brilliant and has a way of expressing himself and
showing the hypocrisy that abounds in any situatiuon the one is excellent
Gilad Atzmon: What About A No Fly Zone for The Palestinians?
DateThursday, March 10, 2011 at 5:09PM AuthorGilad Atzmon
“Even the Israelis in Gaza, when they moved into the Gaza Strip, they moved in with tanks to fight such extremists. It's the same thing here” Muammar Gaddafi (France 24)
In the last few days the UN have paved the way for a no-fly zone in Libya.
David Cameron and Barack Obama have also agreed to draw up "the full spectrum" of military responses to the crisis in Libya.
British PM David Cameron outlined his conversation with Obama, saying "We have got to prepare for what we might have to do if he [Gaddafi] goes on brutalising his own people…”
I find myself overwhelmed by Cameron's humanist stand -- it seems he really cares about the Libyan people.
And yet, I am left puzzled, for I have never observed Cameron, Obama or the UN being so touched in the same manner by the death of Palestinian civilians, who are also butchered on a daily basis by Israeli air raids. As it seems, in the quote above, Muammar Gaddafi performs far more integrity than Cameron, Obama and the UN. Gaddafi clearly manages to question the Western moralist agenda. If the UN is so enthusiastic to bomb Libya, shouldn’t it really start with Israel?
I would contend that for a moral interventional argument to be justifiable, it must be primarily grounded on moral integrity.
If America and Britain are, indeed, ‘morally driven’ why do they fail to protect the people of Palestine? Why do they allow Israeli airplanes decorated with Jewish symbols to drop bombs in Gaza? Is it because Israeli bombs are kosher somehow?
But I guess that we already know the answers -- First, they want the Libyan oil and moral intervention is just a pretext for another oil war . Second, the American and the British governments are maintained financially by notorious Zionist lobbies: In America it is AIPAC, and in Britain it is the CFI. It becomes clear that if we want our leaders to save this planet or at least to perform any kind of ethical integrity, Jewish lobbies must be confronted.
I'd like to suggest to Cameron and Obama that if they behaved morally for a change and imposed an immediate no fly zone on Israel they could contribute significantly to resolving one of the most dangerous conflicts in the world today.
Such an act would also contribute to solving the current energy crisis -- and most significantly, peace might actually prevail.
showing the hypocrisy that abounds in any situatiuon the one is excellent
Gilad Atzmon: What About A No Fly Zone for The Palestinians?
DateThursday, March 10, 2011 at 5:09PM AuthorGilad Atzmon
“Even the Israelis in Gaza, when they moved into the Gaza Strip, they moved in with tanks to fight such extremists. It's the same thing here” Muammar Gaddafi (France 24)
In the last few days the UN have paved the way for a no-fly zone in Libya.
David Cameron and Barack Obama have also agreed to draw up "the full spectrum" of military responses to the crisis in Libya.
British PM David Cameron outlined his conversation with Obama, saying "We have got to prepare for what we might have to do if he [Gaddafi] goes on brutalising his own people…”
I find myself overwhelmed by Cameron's humanist stand -- it seems he really cares about the Libyan people.
And yet, I am left puzzled, for I have never observed Cameron, Obama or the UN being so touched in the same manner by the death of Palestinian civilians, who are also butchered on a daily basis by Israeli air raids. As it seems, in the quote above, Muammar Gaddafi performs far more integrity than Cameron, Obama and the UN. Gaddafi clearly manages to question the Western moralist agenda. If the UN is so enthusiastic to bomb Libya, shouldn’t it really start with Israel?
I would contend that for a moral interventional argument to be justifiable, it must be primarily grounded on moral integrity.
If America and Britain are, indeed, ‘morally driven’ why do they fail to protect the people of Palestine? Why do they allow Israeli airplanes decorated with Jewish symbols to drop bombs in Gaza? Is it because Israeli bombs are kosher somehow?
But I guess that we already know the answers -- First, they want the Libyan oil and moral intervention is just a pretext for another oil war . Second, the American and the British governments are maintained financially by notorious Zionist lobbies: In America it is AIPAC, and in Britain it is the CFI. It becomes clear that if we want our leaders to save this planet or at least to perform any kind of ethical integrity, Jewish lobbies must be confronted.
I'd like to suggest to Cameron and Obama that if they behaved morally for a change and imposed an immediate no fly zone on Israel they could contribute significantly to resolving one of the most dangerous conflicts in the world today.
Such an act would also contribute to solving the current energy crisis -- and most significantly, peace might actually prevail.
Obama: If you will bomb Libya to stop the bloodshed ; have you heard of Gaza??
I’ve seen the reports about the regime bombing innocent
and unarmed people. It is hard for me to watch for too long;
I’ve seen what bombs do.
In one place in Vietnam probably south of fire support base
Con Thien-long after it was abandoned our squad was taken there
and we had to wait….for nothing. I think that we were sprayed
with Agent Orange while we stood there.
But for as far as the eyes could see the landscape was like the moon;
pockmarked with 500lb, 1,000 lb., and possibly 2,000 lb., bomb craters.
As I stood there I thought that the only way one could traverse that area
was by bicycle because the crater tops were so close together it would be
impossible to try walking across. And every tree was stripped of any
vegetation, and was dying.
To send jet fighter planes to bomb and reign death upon those innocent
people is a great criminal act. It is cold-blooded murder.
And, I’ve seen photos and read accounts of innocent people who are being
gunned down. It is cold-blooded murder.
Those who survive will be traumatized forever. I know about that.
No, I am not speaking of Libya, but of Gaza; but what applies to Libya
applies to Gaza! While Obama (who is a CIA Agent!!!) speaks with such
concern for the people of Libya as does the ‘Wicked Witch of the West’
Hillary Clinton, and says they are examining all options to stop the
bloodshed including dropping more bombs which are sure to kill more people,
and to send in the Marines, who will kill many more there is not a word
mentioned about the criminal regime in Palestine/Israel which kills people
daily, and is committing genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza
That is the Israeli government’s peace plan; it’s really a ‘Final Solution.’
That is, they are slowly killing off the Palestinian people. By any definition of
the ‘Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide’
the Zionist government is committing genocide on the Palestinian population.
Article 2 of the Convention, states that ‘genocide means any of the following acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
religious group, as such:
* (a) Killing members of the group;
* (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
* (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
* (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
* (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
It is Article 2 (c) that is important. The Zioinst have made life
unbearable for the Palestinian people as the Nazis once did to them!
Killing young children, and many of them as the IOF does fits the description of Article 2 (a), but also of 2 (c).
The Zionist through the IOF violates Article 2 (b) every day 365!
Blockades of food, medicine, building materials, even schoolbooks…why are
they doing that?
But, the Palestinian people have endures with a vibrancy that the Zionist
planners did not imagine.
So Obama, may every American soldier, sailor, Marine and airman
refuse to invade Libya or any other country, and may they turn their guns
around on the real enemy: their commanders, and may they force them to
take the ships out of the region, or face the consequences!
Or, may they say take us to Gaza, so that we may atone for the wrongs
that America has committed. May we free the people of Gaza, the West Bank,
and tear down the Apartheid Wall!
and unarmed people. It is hard for me to watch for too long;
I’ve seen what bombs do.
In one place in Vietnam probably south of fire support base
Con Thien-long after it was abandoned our squad was taken there
and we had to wait….for nothing. I think that we were sprayed
with Agent Orange while we stood there.
But for as far as the eyes could see the landscape was like the moon;
pockmarked with 500lb, 1,000 lb., and possibly 2,000 lb., bomb craters.
As I stood there I thought that the only way one could traverse that area
was by bicycle because the crater tops were so close together it would be
impossible to try walking across. And every tree was stripped of any
vegetation, and was dying.
To send jet fighter planes to bomb and reign death upon those innocent
people is a great criminal act. It is cold-blooded murder.
And, I’ve seen photos and read accounts of innocent people who are being
gunned down. It is cold-blooded murder.
Those who survive will be traumatized forever. I know about that.
No, I am not speaking of Libya, but of Gaza; but what applies to Libya
applies to Gaza! While Obama (who is a CIA Agent!!!) speaks with such
concern for the people of Libya as does the ‘Wicked Witch of the West’
Hillary Clinton, and says they are examining all options to stop the
bloodshed including dropping more bombs which are sure to kill more people,
and to send in the Marines, who will kill many more there is not a word
mentioned about the criminal regime in Palestine/Israel which kills people
daily, and is committing genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza
That is the Israeli government’s peace plan; it’s really a ‘Final Solution.’
That is, they are slowly killing off the Palestinian people. By any definition of
the ‘Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide’
the Zionist government is committing genocide on the Palestinian population.
Article 2 of the Convention, states that ‘genocide means any of the following acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
religious group, as such:
* (a) Killing members of the group;
* (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
* (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
* (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
* (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
It is Article 2 (c) that is important. The Zioinst have made life
unbearable for the Palestinian people as the Nazis once did to them!
Killing young children, and many of them as the IOF does fits the description of Article 2 (a), but also of 2 (c).
The Zionist through the IOF violates Article 2 (b) every day 365!
Blockades of food, medicine, building materials, even schoolbooks…why are
they doing that?
But, the Palestinian people have endures with a vibrancy that the Zionist
planners did not imagine.
So Obama, may every American soldier, sailor, Marine and airman
refuse to invade Libya or any other country, and may they turn their guns
around on the real enemy: their commanders, and may they force them to
take the ships out of the region, or face the consequences!
Or, may they say take us to Gaza, so that we may atone for the wrongs
that America has committed. May we free the people of Gaza, the West Bank,
and tear down the Apartheid Wall!
If you can bomb Libya
I’ve seen the reports about the regime bombing innocent
and unarmed people. It is hard for me to watch for too long;
I’ve seen what bombs do.
In one place in Vietnam probably south of fire support base
Con Thien-long after it was abandoned our squad was taken there
and we had to wait….for nothing. I think that we were sprayed
with Agent Orange while we stood there.
But for as far as the eyes could see the landscape was like the moon;
pockmarked with 500lb, 1,000 lb., and possibly 2,000 lb., bomb craters.
As I stood there I thought that the only way one could traverse that area
Was by bicycle because the crater tops were so close together it would be
impossible to try walking across. And every tree was stripped of any
vegetation, and was dying.
To send jet fighter planes to bomb and reign death upon those innocent
people is a great criminal act. It is cold-blooded murder.
And, I’ve seen photos and read accounts of innocent people who are being
gunned down. It is cold-blooded murder.
Those who survive will be traumatized forever. I know about that.
No, I am not speaking of Libya, but of Gaza. While Obama (who is a CIA
Agent!!!) speaks with such concern for the people of Libya as does the ‘Wicked
Witch of the West’ Hillary Clinton, and says they are examining all options
to stop the bloodshed including dropping more bombs which are sure to kill
more people, and to send in the Marines, who will kill many more there is not
a word mentioned about the criminal regime in Palestine/Israel which kills people
daily, and is committing genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza
That is the Israeli government’s peace plan; it’s really a ‘Final Solution.’
That is, they are slowly killing off the Palestinian people. By any definition of
the ‘Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide’
the Zionist government is committing genocide on the Palestinian population.
Article 2 of the Convention, states that ‘genocide means any of the following acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
religious group, as such:
* (a) Killing members of the group;
* (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
* (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
* (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
* (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
It is Article 2 (c) that is important. Blockades of food, medicine, building
Materials, even schoolbooks…what are they planning?
So Obama, may every American soldier, sailor, Marine and airman
refuse to invade Libya or any other country, and may they turn their guns
around on the real enemy: their commanders, and may they force them to
take the ships out of the region, or face the consequences!
and unarmed people. It is hard for me to watch for too long;
I’ve seen what bombs do.
In one place in Vietnam probably south of fire support base
Con Thien-long after it was abandoned our squad was taken there
and we had to wait….for nothing. I think that we were sprayed
with Agent Orange while we stood there.
But for as far as the eyes could see the landscape was like the moon;
pockmarked with 500lb, 1,000 lb., and possibly 2,000 lb., bomb craters.
As I stood there I thought that the only way one could traverse that area
Was by bicycle because the crater tops were so close together it would be
impossible to try walking across. And every tree was stripped of any
vegetation, and was dying.
To send jet fighter planes to bomb and reign death upon those innocent
people is a great criminal act. It is cold-blooded murder.
And, I’ve seen photos and read accounts of innocent people who are being
gunned down. It is cold-blooded murder.
Those who survive will be traumatized forever. I know about that.
No, I am not speaking of Libya, but of Gaza. While Obama (who is a CIA
Agent!!!) speaks with such concern for the people of Libya as does the ‘Wicked
Witch of the West’ Hillary Clinton, and says they are examining all options
to stop the bloodshed including dropping more bombs which are sure to kill
more people, and to send in the Marines, who will kill many more there is not
a word mentioned about the criminal regime in Palestine/Israel which kills people
daily, and is committing genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza
That is the Israeli government’s peace plan; it’s really a ‘Final Solution.’
That is, they are slowly killing off the Palestinian people. By any definition of
the ‘Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide’
the Zionist government is committing genocide on the Palestinian population.
Article 2 of the Convention, states that ‘genocide means any of the following acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
religious group, as such:
* (a) Killing members of the group;
* (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
* (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
* (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
* (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
It is Article 2 (c) that is important. Blockades of food, medicine, building
Materials, even schoolbooks…what are they planning?
So Obama, may every American soldier, sailor, Marine and airman
refuse to invade Libya or any other country, and may they turn their guns
around on the real enemy: their commanders, and may they force them to
take the ships out of the region, or face the consequences!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
To those who enter this site
Thank you to all and any who come across my page.
I'm a guy, not have fancy background colours, etc.
I'm looking for someone to help re-arrange the blog
in that way.
But, to those we see this...if you read only one thing
look for
'The Girl I Met On Christmas Day 1968-DaNang’ Revisited
and also
Saturday, December 26, 2009
What War Is and Does to People:'The Girl I met on Christmas Day’ Dan Nang 1968.
these two are about Vietnam. I was an 18 year old boy and survived.
I came back against war...and am very open-minded as a result of my
All the best to you
I'm a guy, not have fancy background colours, etc.
I'm looking for someone to help re-arrange the blog
in that way.
But, to those we see this...if you read only one thing
look for
'The Girl I Met On Christmas Day 1968-DaNang’ Revisited
and also
Saturday, December 26, 2009
What War Is and Does to People:'The Girl I met on Christmas Day’ Dan Nang 1968.
these two are about Vietnam. I was an 18 year old boy and survived.
I came back against war...and am very open-minded as a result of my
All the best to you
America: Torturers in Chief: the Degrading treatment of Bradley Manning
America: Torturers in Chief: the Degrading treatment of Bradley Manning
It has been reported (Bush’s Interrogators Stressed Nudity, By Robert Parry, March 4, 2011*) that Army Private Bradley Manning has been repeatedly subjected to forced nudity. This constitutes ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ Forced nudity is a disgusting an absolute debasement of a human being, and it is intended to and does rob persons of their human dignity.
Forced nudity is emotional and psychological torture. This torture and degrading
treatment of Bradley Manning is now being inflicted by the Obama administration.
Forced nudity and physical abuse were implemented as part of a torture regime by the CIA. This evil goes straight to Dick Cheney , George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld to name a few. Some of the tactics used beside ‘Waterboarding’ which was considered torture during the Inquisition; and that’s what it was, and is today, and always will be: torture!
Other tactics included:
Sleep deprivation, which allowed for a range of between 70 and 120 hours weekly.
Forcing a detainee in a large box for up to 8 hours at a time, and for up to 18 hours daily,
Dowsing a completely naked detainee with ice cold water,
‘Insult slaps.’ That’s where an interrogator opens up a session by slapping a detainee across the face with the open palm, or it could be an abdominal slap.
‘Walling’ was/is a much used tactic. This is where a detainee is placed in a harness and slammed against a wall repeatedly for as many as 20-30 times in a row.
The CIA “Background Paper on CIA’s Combined Use of Interrogation Techniques”
stated that ‘walling’ was very effective because it wore down detainees and ‘created a sense of dread’ in them. Ya, like when a person worries about the possibility of death. That’s torture plain and simple.
Imagine if it were revealed that the Nazis, or the Japanese, or the Vietnamese had lawyers like Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee, or Department of Justice lawyers John Yoo, or Jennifer Koester Hardy or Defense Department Counsel William J. Haynes, or Vice Presidential Counsel David Addington, or Alberto R. Gonzales, White House Counsel to George W. Bush (2001-2005) and later Attorney General of the Unites States (2005-2007) draft legal opinions, or be a part of the process to give a fig leaf of cover to justify those techniques being used on American POW’s. What would it be called? Torture! And, one can imagine the outrage by the American government. They would want to hunt them down and bring them to trial as well they should be.
And the same should be done to Jay Bybee , John Yoo, Jennifer Koester Hardy, William J. Haynes David Addington, Alberto R. Gonzales, Dick Cheney, George Bush , Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Major General Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of Guantanamo Bay concentration camp before he moved on to Abu Ghraib to ‘Gitmo-ize’ it, the ideologues Paul Wolfowitz , John Bolton, William Kristol, Richard Pearle and a cast of thousands.
As for Mr. Addington, one would think that being the legal counsel (2001-2005) and Chief of Staff (2005-2009) to Dick Cheney would be a sure ticket into hell ahead of most
of those forced to wait in the queue, of course not before his Boss, Dick Cheney.
The treatment of Bradley Manning, who is an American citizen, and whose crime was to expose murder, torture and other evil deeds being swept under the rug by US authorities, constitutes torture, and at the very least ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ This is prohibited by Article 1 of the ‘CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.’ The Convention mentions in its Preamble ‘the inherent dignity of the human person.’ Forcing persons to be nude for hours upon hours while they are tortured is a heinous and despicable act.
Forcing a detained person to be nude is ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’
It is torture.
The Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations upholds ‘the dignity and worth of the human person.’ The conditions under which Bradley Manning is kept is torture because they are trying to break his body, mind and spirit.
It is torture.
The Preamble to the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS mentions that the ‘disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind.’ The citizens of Fallujah, (radiated lands), Basra (Depleted Uranium like the rest of Iraq, Afghanistan), and wherever America conducts aggressive war know all about ‘the disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts.’ The Declaration also, reaffirms ‘the dignity and worth of the human person.’ Article V of the Declaration states: ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes torture.
Article VII of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.’ The latter is done at Guantanamo Bay and other places just as once Nazi doctors and scientist did the same in another era.
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and torture.
The ‘Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment’ prohibits torture or ‘any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or confession, punishing him for an act he has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating him or other persons.’
Bradley Manning’s treatment constitutes torture!
Torture is a violation of U.S. domestic law as well. Under U.S. law any violations of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions is a crime. Also, The Torture Statute ‘provides for life in prison, or even the death penalty if the victim dies, for anyone who commits, attempts, or conspires to commit torture outside the United States.’** Torture is also forbidden by the U.S. Army Field Manual.
All of the above international instruments and domestic US laws and regulations require State officials to investigate and prosecute. This has not and is not being done in the United States.
When a government does as the United States government, military and CIA has done since 9/11, that is declared to the world that it alone can decide if it wishes to overthrow governments and leaders, and place whole countries, and peoples under its complete control unilaterally in violation of international norms, or international law.
When such leaders declare the right to bomb whom it likes, when it likes and where it likes, and to conduct extrajudicial killings. That is, killing or assassinating people without the due processes of law, or charging or convicting them with a crime. It’s just plain murder.
When such leaders let their intelligence agencies roam the world and kidnap citizens anywhere, at any time and transport them to places where they will be beaten mercilessly tortured, subjected to the most barbaric forms of torture and murdered. Hundreds of
detainees have died in U. S. custody, and we do not know the true amount. The United
States has a world-wide system of Gulags.
When the political and military leaders of the U.S. refuse to bring its own war criminals to trial,
When the country’s criminal justice system and judicial system refuse, or unwilling or unable to prosecute these barbaric crimes, then such a regime is nothing more than a great criminal enterprise rolling along unchecked. It is no different than a Nazi regime which before it was stopped left Europe, the Middle East and parts of North Africa in shambles.
When such a country’s criminal justice and judicial system are unwilling, unable or refuse to bring its own war criminals to trial for all of these crimes and more
Then, Brothers and Sisters,
At such times in history it is up to the countries and peoples of the world to bring this criminal regime: the Government of the United States to a standstill and to:
Dismantle it completely,
To put its political leaders in the criminal dock,
To put its military leaders in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the CIA and its other intelligence agencies in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the criminal war industries into the criminal dock
To put its ideologues who promoted the wars into the criminal dock,
And, above all to place those lawyers (John Yee, Jay Bybee, Albero Gonzales et al) who
provided the legal justification for that which is criminal: wars of aggression, torture and more, they must be put in the criminal dock!
It is well beyond that point when these things should have been done.
We owe it to the innocent victims of this criminal regime!
We owe it to the countries that have been destroyed, and to prevent any more countries from being invaded and destroyed.
We owe it to those who have fought on both sides of this conflict. Currently, more U.S. soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen die from suicide than are being killed in combat! It is a testament to what war does to the individual.
We owe it to the world, and to show that no one is above the law, and that while we the people can never rely on our governments we can never let this happen again.
We owe it to the Palestinian peoples who are prisoners of a criminal regime that ethnically cleansed them from their homes, farms, fields, businesses, villages, towns and cities. We must restore what they have lost.
There must be investigations that will reveal the truths about 9/11 and 7/7. They were done by the intelligence services. Dick Cheney was in charge on 9/11. He must not be allowed to die. He must be kept alive and held accountable.
I, for one think that the world deserves to see how he would like to be forced nude and have ice cold water on him.
*Originally published September 12, 2009.
** Under U.S. Law Torture is Always Illegal’ By Marjorie Cohn. 6 May 2008. (
It has been reported (Bush’s Interrogators Stressed Nudity, By Robert Parry, March 4, 2011*) that Army Private Bradley Manning has been repeatedly subjected to forced nudity. This constitutes ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ Forced nudity is a disgusting an absolute debasement of a human being, and it is intended to and does rob persons of their human dignity.
Forced nudity is emotional and psychological torture. This torture and degrading
treatment of Bradley Manning is now being inflicted by the Obama administration.
Forced nudity and physical abuse were implemented as part of a torture regime by the CIA. This evil goes straight to Dick Cheney , George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld to name a few. Some of the tactics used beside ‘Waterboarding’ which was considered torture during the Inquisition; and that’s what it was, and is today, and always will be: torture!
Other tactics included:
Sleep deprivation, which allowed for a range of between 70 and 120 hours weekly.
Forcing a detainee in a large box for up to 8 hours at a time, and for up to 18 hours daily,
Dowsing a completely naked detainee with ice cold water,
‘Insult slaps.’ That’s where an interrogator opens up a session by slapping a detainee across the face with the open palm, or it could be an abdominal slap.
‘Walling’ was/is a much used tactic. This is where a detainee is placed in a harness and slammed against a wall repeatedly for as many as 20-30 times in a row.
The CIA “Background Paper on CIA’s Combined Use of Interrogation Techniques”
stated that ‘walling’ was very effective because it wore down detainees and ‘created a sense of dread’ in them. Ya, like when a person worries about the possibility of death. That’s torture plain and simple.
Imagine if it were revealed that the Nazis, or the Japanese, or the Vietnamese had lawyers like Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee, or Department of Justice lawyers John Yoo, or Jennifer Koester Hardy or Defense Department Counsel William J. Haynes, or Vice Presidential Counsel David Addington, or Alberto R. Gonzales, White House Counsel to George W. Bush (2001-2005) and later Attorney General of the Unites States (2005-2007) draft legal opinions, or be a part of the process to give a fig leaf of cover to justify those techniques being used on American POW’s. What would it be called? Torture! And, one can imagine the outrage by the American government. They would want to hunt them down and bring them to trial as well they should be.
And the same should be done to Jay Bybee , John Yoo, Jennifer Koester Hardy, William J. Haynes David Addington, Alberto R. Gonzales, Dick Cheney, George Bush , Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Major General Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of Guantanamo Bay concentration camp before he moved on to Abu Ghraib to ‘Gitmo-ize’ it, the ideologues Paul Wolfowitz , John Bolton, William Kristol, Richard Pearle and a cast of thousands.
As for Mr. Addington, one would think that being the legal counsel (2001-2005) and Chief of Staff (2005-2009) to Dick Cheney would be a sure ticket into hell ahead of most
of those forced to wait in the queue, of course not before his Boss, Dick Cheney.
The treatment of Bradley Manning, who is an American citizen, and whose crime was to expose murder, torture and other evil deeds being swept under the rug by US authorities, constitutes torture, and at the very least ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ This is prohibited by Article 1 of the ‘CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.’ The Convention mentions in its Preamble ‘the inherent dignity of the human person.’ Forcing persons to be nude for hours upon hours while they are tortured is a heinous and despicable act.
Forcing a detained person to be nude is ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’
It is torture.
The Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations upholds ‘the dignity and worth of the human person.’ The conditions under which Bradley Manning is kept is torture because they are trying to break his body, mind and spirit.
It is torture.
The Preamble to the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS mentions that the ‘disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind.’ The citizens of Fallujah, (radiated lands), Basra (Depleted Uranium like the rest of Iraq, Afghanistan), and wherever America conducts aggressive war know all about ‘the disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts.’ The Declaration also, reaffirms ‘the dignity and worth of the human person.’ Article V of the Declaration states: ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes torture.
Article VII of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.’ The latter is done at Guantanamo Bay and other places just as once Nazi doctors and scientist did the same in another era.
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and torture.
The ‘Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment’ prohibits torture or ‘any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or confession, punishing him for an act he has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating him or other persons.’
Bradley Manning’s treatment constitutes torture!
Torture is a violation of U.S. domestic law as well. Under U.S. law any violations of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions is a crime. Also, The Torture Statute ‘provides for life in prison, or even the death penalty if the victim dies, for anyone who commits, attempts, or conspires to commit torture outside the United States.’** Torture is also forbidden by the U.S. Army Field Manual.
All of the above international instruments and domestic US laws and regulations require State officials to investigate and prosecute. This has not and is not being done in the United States.
When a government does as the United States government, military and CIA has done since 9/11, that is declared to the world that it alone can decide if it wishes to overthrow governments and leaders, and place whole countries, and peoples under its complete control unilaterally in violation of international norms, or international law.
When such leaders declare the right to bomb whom it likes, when it likes and where it likes, and to conduct extrajudicial killings. That is, killing or assassinating people without the due processes of law, or charging or convicting them with a crime. It’s just plain murder.
When such leaders let their intelligence agencies roam the world and kidnap citizens anywhere, at any time and transport them to places where they will be beaten mercilessly tortured, subjected to the most barbaric forms of torture and murdered. Hundreds of
detainees have died in U. S. custody, and we do not know the true amount. The United
States has a world-wide system of Gulags.
When the political and military leaders of the U.S. refuse to bring its own war criminals to trial,
When the country’s criminal justice system and judicial system refuse, or unwilling or unable to prosecute these barbaric crimes, then such a regime is nothing more than a great criminal enterprise rolling along unchecked. It is no different than a Nazi regime which before it was stopped left Europe, the Middle East and parts of North Africa in shambles.
When such a country’s criminal justice and judicial system are unwilling, unable or refuse to bring its own war criminals to trial for all of these crimes and more
Then, Brothers and Sisters,
At such times in history it is up to the countries and peoples of the world to bring this criminal regime: the Government of the United States to a standstill and to:
Dismantle it completely,
To put its political leaders in the criminal dock,
To put its military leaders in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the CIA and its other intelligence agencies in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the criminal war industries into the criminal dock
To put its ideologues who promoted the wars into the criminal dock,
And, above all to place those lawyers (John Yee, Jay Bybee, Albero Gonzales et al) who
provided the legal justification for that which is criminal: wars of aggression, torture and more, they must be put in the criminal dock!
It is well beyond that point when these things should have been done.
We owe it to the innocent victims of this criminal regime!
We owe it to the countries that have been destroyed, and to prevent any more countries from being invaded and destroyed.
We owe it to those who have fought on both sides of this conflict. Currently, more U.S. soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen die from suicide than are being killed in combat! It is a testament to what war does to the individual.
We owe it to the world, and to show that no one is above the law, and that while we the people can never rely on our governments we can never let this happen again.
We owe it to the Palestinian peoples who are prisoners of a criminal regime that ethnically cleansed them from their homes, farms, fields, businesses, villages, towns and cities. We must restore what they have lost.
There must be investigations that will reveal the truths about 9/11 and 7/7. They were done by the intelligence services. Dick Cheney was in charge on 9/11. He must not be allowed to die. He must be kept alive and held accountable.
I, for one think that the world deserves to see how he would like to be forced nude and have ice cold water on him.
*Originally published September 12, 2009.
** Under U.S. Law Torture is Always Illegal’ By Marjorie Cohn. 6 May 2008. (
Yahoo News item 'Is default really such a dirty word?'
This article is talking about Ireland, but also applies
to other countries.
But, my first thought about 'Should Ireland Default' is Feck yea!!
After all it is the banksters and speculators who defaulted, or
got into trouble, and now want us to pay their debts. I've got
two words for them about that: F**K them.
article below
Is default really such a dirty word?
If banks lend people more money than they should, they face the risk of the borrower defaulting on their debts. So why shouldn’t countries simply not pay?
Kathleen Brooks, Director of Research UK,, 11:44, Monday 7 March 2011
Default might not be a bad thing, if you are an Irish taxpayer. As the EU authorities debate a long-term solution to Europe's sovereign debt crisis, it might want to consider the benefits of the "D" word and not just rule it out completely for fear it could turn investors off all eurozone assets.
Ireland wasn't fiscally profligate, its banks were. Lax regulatory regimes and a toxic chumminess amongst bank executives and property developers were at the root of Ireland's problems.
Along comes a housing bust, a state guarantee for all bank debt and the next thing you know the sovereign rating is getting cut and the country is cap-in-hand to the IMF and EU bailout fund.
Not their fault
The devastating result is that the Irish public has to pay increasing levels of tax for years to honour its former government's guarantee and take money out of their own pockets to pay the bondholders who chose to invest money in some of world's riskiest banks.
When you lay the argument out like this it seems thoroughly unfair.
Sharing the burden for the banks' mistakes between the Irish taxpayer and the people who lent the banks money in the first place makes sense for two reasons.
Firstly, it would reduce the debt in Ireland's economy and help foster growth over the coming years and, secondly, a default mechanism should help to prevent risk-free lending from distorting financial markets in future.
Not just Ireland that could benefit
This second point could also benefit Greece. Even though the Greek bailout was caused by government spending spiralling out of control, bond holders (who lent the money to them) turned a blind eye.
While the previous government failed to detail the true extent of the budget deficit, an investor could have done some simple research and found that Greece never adhered to the eurozone's fiscal rule that countries should spend no more than 3% more than their GDP in the 15 years leading up to its bailout.
So investors who bought Greek debt did so knowing that the country was flaunting EU fiscal rules. Yet Greece could still borrow money like it grew on trees.
While authorities in Athens need to urgently impose fiscal discipline and change a mind set of government hand-outs and tax evasion that is pervasive in Greek society, bond holders also need to be taught a lesson.
Irresponsible lenders should pay too
Essentially that lesson is that lending to a country is not risk free. As European Union authorities are debating the "grand bargain" and a long-term solution to the sovereign debt crisis this month, they would be wise to seriously consider haircuts (paying less back) and defaults as an option.
The markets might not be as against the idea as some may think. If you know that you could be subject to losses on your debt investment then you can price the risks accordingly.
While it is true that the cost of borrowing will be higher than it was during the boom, it may end up being lower than it is currently, especially for Greece, Ireland et al.
The more formal the process to allow a default the less scary it will be. And these changes could go some way to improving the health of the financial markets too, as they might make investors do more research and price risk according to hard facts, not based on implicit guarantees from the EU that no investor will be subject to a loss.
Investors are in limbo right now. They aren't willing to buy peripheral bonds, not because of the threat of default, but because of the uncertainty about how the sovereign crisis will reach a conclusion.
Reducing the debt burdens of these nations will go some way to doing this. Default might not be such a bad idea after all.
This article is talking about Ireland, but also applies
to other countries.
But, my first thought about 'Should Ireland Default' is Feck yea!!
After all it is the banksters and speculators who defaulted, or
got into trouble, and now want us to pay their debts. I've got
two words for them about that: F**K them.
article below
Is default really such a dirty word?
If banks lend people more money than they should, they face the risk of the borrower defaulting on their debts. So why shouldn’t countries simply not pay?
Kathleen Brooks, Director of Research UK,, 11:44, Monday 7 March 2011
Default might not be a bad thing, if you are an Irish taxpayer. As the EU authorities debate a long-term solution to Europe's sovereign debt crisis, it might want to consider the benefits of the "D" word and not just rule it out completely for fear it could turn investors off all eurozone assets.
Ireland wasn't fiscally profligate, its banks were. Lax regulatory regimes and a toxic chumminess amongst bank executives and property developers were at the root of Ireland's problems.
Along comes a housing bust, a state guarantee for all bank debt and the next thing you know the sovereign rating is getting cut and the country is cap-in-hand to the IMF and EU bailout fund.
Not their fault
The devastating result is that the Irish public has to pay increasing levels of tax for years to honour its former government's guarantee and take money out of their own pockets to pay the bondholders who chose to invest money in some of world's riskiest banks.
When you lay the argument out like this it seems thoroughly unfair.
Sharing the burden for the banks' mistakes between the Irish taxpayer and the people who lent the banks money in the first place makes sense for two reasons.
Firstly, it would reduce the debt in Ireland's economy and help foster growth over the coming years and, secondly, a default mechanism should help to prevent risk-free lending from distorting financial markets in future.
Not just Ireland that could benefit
This second point could also benefit Greece. Even though the Greek bailout was caused by government spending spiralling out of control, bond holders (who lent the money to them) turned a blind eye.
While the previous government failed to detail the true extent of the budget deficit, an investor could have done some simple research and found that Greece never adhered to the eurozone's fiscal rule that countries should spend no more than 3% more than their GDP in the 15 years leading up to its bailout.
So investors who bought Greek debt did so knowing that the country was flaunting EU fiscal rules. Yet Greece could still borrow money like it grew on trees.
While authorities in Athens need to urgently impose fiscal discipline and change a mind set of government hand-outs and tax evasion that is pervasive in Greek society, bond holders also need to be taught a lesson.
Irresponsible lenders should pay too
Essentially that lesson is that lending to a country is not risk free. As European Union authorities are debating the "grand bargain" and a long-term solution to the sovereign debt crisis this month, they would be wise to seriously consider haircuts (paying less back) and defaults as an option.
The markets might not be as against the idea as some may think. If you know that you could be subject to losses on your debt investment then you can price the risks accordingly.
While it is true that the cost of borrowing will be higher than it was during the boom, it may end up being lower than it is currently, especially for Greece, Ireland et al.
The more formal the process to allow a default the less scary it will be. And these changes could go some way to improving the health of the financial markets too, as they might make investors do more research and price risk according to hard facts, not based on implicit guarantees from the EU that no investor will be subject to a loss.
Investors are in limbo right now. They aren't willing to buy peripheral bonds, not because of the threat of default, but because of the uncertainty about how the sovereign crisis will reach a conclusion.
Reducing the debt burdens of these nations will go some way to doing this. Default might not be such a bad idea after all.
Monday, March 7, 2011
America: Torturers in Chief: the Degrading treatment of Bradley Manning
It has been reported that Army Private Bradley Manning has been repeatedly subjected to forced nudity. This constitutes ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ Forced nudity is the absolute debasement of a human
being, and it is intended to and does rob persons of their human dignity.
Forced nudity is emotional and psychological torture. This torture and degrading treatment of Bradley Manning is now inflicted by the Obama
Forced nudity and physical abuse were implemented as part of a torture
regime by the CIA. This evil goes straight to Dick Cheney , George Bush and D
onald Rumsfeld to name a few. Some of the tactics used beside ‘Waterboarding’
which was considered torture during the Inquisition; and that’s what it was,
and is today.
Other tactics included sleep deprivation, which allowed for a range of
between 70 and 120 hours.
Shove a detainee in a large box for up to 8 hours at a time, and for up
to 18 hours a day;
Dowsing a completely naked detainee with ice cold water;
‘Insult slaps.’ That’s where an interrogator opens up a session by slapping
a detainee across the face with the open palm, or it could be an abdominal slap;
‘Walling’ was/is a much used tactic. This is where a detainee is placed in
a harness and slammed against a wall. This could be done for as many as 20-30
times in a row.
The CIA “Background Paper on CIA’s Combined Use of Interrogation
Techniques” stated that ‘walling’ was very effective because it wore down
detainees and ‘created a sense of dread’ in them. Ya, like when a person
worries about the possibility of death. That’s torture plain and simple.
Imagine if it were revealed that the Nazis, or the Japanese, or the
Vietnamese had lawyers like John Yoo or Jay Bybee draft legal opinions to
give a fig leaf of cover to justify those techniques being used on American
POW’s. What would it be called? Torture! And, one can imagine the outrage by
the American government. They would want to hunt them down and bring them to
trial as well they should be.
And the same should be done to John Yoo, Jay Bybee, Dick Cheney , George
Bush , Donald Rumsfeld, Major General Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of Guantanamo Bay concentration camp before he moved on to Abu Ghraib to ‘Gitmo-ize’
The treatment of Bradley Manning, who is an American citizen, and whose crime was to expose murder, torture and other evil deeds being swept under the rug by US authorities, constitutes torture, and at the very least ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ This is prohibited by Article 1 of the ‘CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.’ The Convention mentions in its Preamble ‘the inherent dignity of the human person.’ Forcing persons to be nude for hours upon hours while they are tortured is a heinous and despicable act.
It is torture.
The Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations mentions to’ the dignity
and worth of the human person.’ The conditions under which Bradley Manning is
kept is torture because they are trying to break his mind.
It is torture.
The Preamble to the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS mentions that the ‘disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which
have outraged the conscience of mankind.’ And also, it reaffirms ‘the dignity and worth of the human person.’ Article V of the Declaration states: ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes torture.
Article VII of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
states No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his
free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.’
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and torture.
The ‘Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment’ prohibits torture or ‘any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical
or mental, is intentionally inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information
or confession, punishing him for an act he has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating him or other persons.’
Bradley Manning’s treatment constitutes torture!
All of the above international instruments require State officials to investigate and prosecute. This has not and is not being done in the United
When a government does as the United States government, military and CIA
has done since 9/11, that is declared to the world that it alone can decide if
it wishes to overthrow governments and leaders, and place countries under its complete control unilaterally in violation of international norms, or
international law
When such leaders declare the right to bomb whom it likes, when it likes
and where it likes, and to conduct extrajudicial killings,
When such leaders and their intelligence agency declare the right to roam
the world and kidnap citizens anywhere at any time and transport them to places where they will be tortured, beaten mercilessly, subjected to the most barbaric forms of torture and murdered,
When such a government refuses to bring its own leaders, torturers,
military leaders to the criminal dock, then such a regime is nothing more than
a great criminal enterprise rolling along unchecked. It is no different than a
Nazi regime which before it was stopped left Europe, the Middle East and parts
of North Africa in shambles.
When such a country’s criminal justice and judicial system are unwilling, unable or refuse to bring its own war criminals to trial for all of these crimes
and more
At such times in history it is up to the countries and peoples of the world
to brings this criminal regime: the Government of the United States to a stands
till and to:
Dismantle it completely,
To put its political leaders in the criminal dock,
To put its military leaders in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the CIA and its other intelligence agencies in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the criminal war industries into the criminal dock
To put its ideologues who promoted the wars into the criminal dock,
And, above all to place those lawyers (John Yee, Jay Bybee, Albero Gonzales
et al) who
provided the legal justification for that which is criminal: wars of aggression, torture and more,
they must be put in the criminal dock!
It has been reported that Army Private Bradley Manning has been repeatedly subjected to forced nudity. This constitutes ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ Forced nudity is the absolute debasement of a human
being, and it is intended to and does rob persons of their human dignity.
Forced nudity is emotional and psychological torture. This torture and degrading treatment of Bradley Manning is now inflicted by the Obama
Forced nudity and physical abuse were implemented as part of a torture
regime by the CIA. This evil goes straight to Dick Cheney , George Bush and D
onald Rumsfeld to name a few. Some of the tactics used beside ‘Waterboarding’
which was considered torture during the Inquisition; and that’s what it was,
and is today.
Other tactics included sleep deprivation, which allowed for a range of
between 70 and 120 hours.
Shove a detainee in a large box for up to 8 hours at a time, and for up
to 18 hours a day;
Dowsing a completely naked detainee with ice cold water;
‘Insult slaps.’ That’s where an interrogator opens up a session by slapping
a detainee across the face with the open palm, or it could be an abdominal slap;
‘Walling’ was/is a much used tactic. This is where a detainee is placed in
a harness and slammed against a wall. This could be done for as many as 20-30
times in a row.
The CIA “Background Paper on CIA’s Combined Use of Interrogation
Techniques” stated that ‘walling’ was very effective because it wore down
detainees and ‘created a sense of dread’ in them. Ya, like when a person
worries about the possibility of death. That’s torture plain and simple.
Imagine if it were revealed that the Nazis, or the Japanese, or the
Vietnamese had lawyers like John Yoo or Jay Bybee draft legal opinions to
give a fig leaf of cover to justify those techniques being used on American
POW’s. What would it be called? Torture! And, one can imagine the outrage by
the American government. They would want to hunt them down and bring them to
trial as well they should be.
And the same should be done to John Yoo, Jay Bybee, Dick Cheney , George
Bush , Donald Rumsfeld, Major General Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of Guantanamo Bay concentration camp before he moved on to Abu Ghraib to ‘Gitmo-ize’
The treatment of Bradley Manning, who is an American citizen, and whose crime was to expose murder, torture and other evil deeds being swept under the rug by US authorities, constitutes torture, and at the very least ‘cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.’ This is prohibited by Article 1 of the ‘CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.’ The Convention mentions in its Preamble ‘the inherent dignity of the human person.’ Forcing persons to be nude for hours upon hours while they are tortured is a heinous and despicable act.
It is torture.
The Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations mentions to’ the dignity
and worth of the human person.’ The conditions under which Bradley Manning is
kept is torture because they are trying to break his mind.
It is torture.
The Preamble to the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS mentions that the ‘disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which
have outraged the conscience of mankind.’ And also, it reaffirms ‘the dignity and worth of the human person.’ Article V of the Declaration states: ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes torture.
Article VII of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
states No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his
free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.’
Bradley Manning’s forced nudity constitutes to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and torture.
The ‘Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment’ prohibits torture or ‘any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical
or mental, is intentionally inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information
or confession, punishing him for an act he has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating him or other persons.’
Bradley Manning’s treatment constitutes torture!
All of the above international instruments require State officials to investigate and prosecute. This has not and is not being done in the United
When a government does as the United States government, military and CIA
has done since 9/11, that is declared to the world that it alone can decide if
it wishes to overthrow governments and leaders, and place countries under its complete control unilaterally in violation of international norms, or
international law
When such leaders declare the right to bomb whom it likes, when it likes
and where it likes, and to conduct extrajudicial killings,
When such leaders and their intelligence agency declare the right to roam
the world and kidnap citizens anywhere at any time and transport them to places where they will be tortured, beaten mercilessly, subjected to the most barbaric forms of torture and murdered,
When such a government refuses to bring its own leaders, torturers,
military leaders to the criminal dock, then such a regime is nothing more than
a great criminal enterprise rolling along unchecked. It is no different than a
Nazi regime which before it was stopped left Europe, the Middle East and parts
of North Africa in shambles.
When such a country’s criminal justice and judicial system are unwilling, unable or refuse to bring its own war criminals to trial for all of these crimes
and more
At such times in history it is up to the countries and peoples of the world
to brings this criminal regime: the Government of the United States to a stands
till and to:
Dismantle it completely,
To put its political leaders in the criminal dock,
To put its military leaders in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the CIA and its other intelligence agencies in the criminal dock,
To put the leaders of the criminal war industries into the criminal dock
To put its ideologues who promoted the wars into the criminal dock,
And, above all to place those lawyers (John Yee, Jay Bybee, Albero Gonzales
et al) who
provided the legal justification for that which is criminal: wars of aggression, torture and more,
they must be put in the criminal dock!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Ireland New Elections A New Government –The Winner: The Banks
Now that’s what the Banksters and moneyed interest call stability!
So we’ve had a nice new election. Democracy in action, allegedly. Those
who rule say this is the way people bring about changes and rule. Horeshit!
You know like ‘Change We Can Believe In’ as candidate Obama said.
For instance, Obama promised to have all of America’s ‘combat brigades
out of Iraq within 16 months.’1 He actually promised to end the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan. About Iraq his campaign website said he would ‘end the war
safely and responsibly within 16 months.’2 That would mean sometime in May 2010
at the latest. The war is still going on. In a sleigh of hand combat brigades
were renamed as providing assistance; but they are still combat brigades.
He also promised to close America’s Number One torture centre: Guantanamo
Bay, or ‘Gitmo’ to Marines long before it became known by that name. Gitmo is
still operating as are some of those ‘black sites’ as the CIA calls them.
Candidate Obama promised to get rid of ‘lobbyist and special interest
groups. Then he appointed Timothy Geithner, the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That’s not a US Government bank but a private bank
that runs the country for the profit of the Rockefeller family and others.
What could the Irish politicians promise their people? I saw a Fianna Fáil campaign poster that had a slogan of ‘A Whole New Generation.’ But, under it
someone had placed a sticker that read ‘Of Crooks.’ How fitting. And, I heard
that over one Fine Gael poster someone wrote ‘Reinventing Oppression,’ or words
to that effect.
In Ireland, Cowen and Lenihan told the Irish people and nation that they,
the people would have to cough up about €450 billion ($628,065,307)!! Why?
Because that is the figure set by the banksters in a private meeting.
In America, Henry Hank Paulson, the Secretary of the Treasury came before
the Congress in late September 2008, and told them the country would go bust
unless they (really the American people) forked over $700 billion to the banks
and investment houses. If America has 300 million people who are supposed to pay
the banks 700 billion, then what an amazing fecking crime it is for the Irish
banks and financial interests to tell 4.5million people that they more or less
have to pay the same amount to the banks. It’s enforced serfdom!
What the Irish people are being told to come up with is astronomical
compared to US citizens due to the difference in the populations.
In both cases it involves a criminal conspiracy between the banks and
financial community and the political class. This is one of the greatest
crimes perpetrated upon the Irish people in its long history.
I did not vote because I refuse to participate in a phony sham that is
called democracy. We all know that the financial interests own Ireland; that
is not democratic!
The banking class aren’t concerned, nor did they sweat a drop over who
would win the election. And, they shouldn’t because at this time they control Ireland. To the moneyed interests the government is like a glove through which
they put their hands into and rule by stealth. It doesn’t matter which group
gets into power; the glove is a one-size fits all.
Politicians and the media treat the bankers with great deference as they
pull off the greatest heist in Irish history. If Michael Collins were alive
today our politicians and banking elite would, with the exception of a few be
in hiding; and well they should be.
So, now we have a Fine Gael and Labour coalition government , which has
been described as a centre right (FG), and a centre left respectively. What the
feck is that. I’m not a math whiz, but it would seem that a left and right neutralize each other, so we have a centre. The newspapers go on and on
analysing this new configuration; they say nothing about who really runs the country: the banking interests, both domestic and foreign: US, UK, German
and French!
Will the new government nullify this banking scam being perpetrated upon
the Irish people? No, they’ll do as told. A politician’s main concern and job
is to get re-elected. To do that, they need campaign contributions. Banks do
Take any business you can think of, let’s say Dunnes Stores, or any
smaller business, say a newsagent’s shop. If they make bad economic decisions,
or stupid ones, or barely legal ones, or if market preferences change and they
go broke what happens? Under our capitalist system the norm is either you are
bought out, or if not, you go broke. You go out of business.
There is one business entity that doesn’t, and that is the major banks of
any country. Why? Because they either run, or mostly own the country, and at
the least they have the capacity to bring it to its knees economically as they
have in America and in Ireland. When a big bank gets into financial trouble they call in the government for a little meeting and tell them this is what we need,
and we don’t care what you have to cut to get it. Just get it.
For us, the people, we have other choices. The first one is to truly make
a change of government the way the founders of this Republic did almost a century ago by revolution. There are more than 4.5 million Irish people. How many leading bankers, investment speculators and politicians are there in this country? Just
a mere handful in comparison to the total Irish population. Think about that.
See what the masses of people have done in Tunisia and Egypt have done;
they have brought about revolutionary changes by putting millions of bodies into
the streets and confronting the powers that rule. Their revolution is not done,
but they are on the path. We must do the same.
We should arrest each and every leading banker (I mean the big boys, not
the men and women who run your local bank, and are honest and decent people. I
mean those that rule and control this country. Also, every politician in which
there are more than reasonable grounds to suspect involvement in these crimes.
They must be brought before a Tribunal of the people, and given the
presumption of innocence, and all the rights of due process. They must be
treated humanely, that is, not like the rendition prisoners whom they have let
into this country for a pit stop on the way to a torture destination by a CIA
plane. And they must be treated far better than prisoners are currently treated
in Ireland, which has received condemnation in a recent report by the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading Treatment (CPT), and also the Ombudsman for Children.
Ask yourself this, if you saw two, three or more gangsters, or mobsters in
a bar having a meeting what would, or may you think? They’re up to no good,
right? Now get past the fact that these criminals who are robbing us don’t wear leather jackets, or necessarily carry guns.
They wear nice suits. You and I pay for them.
They have nice houses, and mansions. You and I pay for them.
They have fancy cars. You and I pay for them.
You get the picture?
We, should in our millions first ask the Public Prosecutor and the An
Garda Síochána to investigate what is going on. Mr. Michael O’Boyce, President
of the Garda Síochána Representative Association (GRA) said that under our politicians our “country’s assets to be “plundered and robbed” by bankers and property speculators.” That is the most honest assessment I’ve seen.
If neither of these two authorities, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, or An Garda Síochána refuse to investigate, then it is up to us
the people of Ireland.
If they will not bring these criminals to trial, then it is our job.
We must not sacrifice generations and the wealth of this country to serve
a small criminal element.
We have a duty, nay, a moral obligation to act and take this country back from
those who have stolen and used it for their private profit. Some have called it ‘economic treason, but I say this: if a politician works for the interests on domestic and foreign bankers, and puts their interests above the people and
nation of Ireland while pretending to represent the people of Ireland, then
he/she is committing treason. Full stop.
In bankers and moneyed interests of a country run and steer the country as
a vehicle for their private and personal profit, then they are traitors to the national interests. And, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish their form of government whenever it becomes oppressive of them, and it is today.
So we’ve had a nice new election. Democracy in action, allegedly. Those
who rule say this is the way people bring about changes and rule. Horeshit!
You know like ‘Change We Can Believe In’ as candidate Obama said.
For instance, Obama promised to have all of America’s ‘combat brigades
out of Iraq within 16 months.’1 He actually promised to end the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan. About Iraq his campaign website said he would ‘end the war
safely and responsibly within 16 months.’2 That would mean sometime in May 2010
at the latest. The war is still going on. In a sleigh of hand combat brigades
were renamed as providing assistance; but they are still combat brigades.
He also promised to close America’s Number One torture centre: Guantanamo
Bay, or ‘Gitmo’ to Marines long before it became known by that name. Gitmo is
still operating as are some of those ‘black sites’ as the CIA calls them.
Candidate Obama promised to get rid of ‘lobbyist and special interest
groups. Then he appointed Timothy Geithner, the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That’s not a US Government bank but a private bank
that runs the country for the profit of the Rockefeller family and others.
What could the Irish politicians promise their people? I saw a Fianna Fáil campaign poster that had a slogan of ‘A Whole New Generation.’ But, under it
someone had placed a sticker that read ‘Of Crooks.’ How fitting. And, I heard
that over one Fine Gael poster someone wrote ‘Reinventing Oppression,’ or words
to that effect.
In Ireland, Cowen and Lenihan told the Irish people and nation that they,
the people would have to cough up about €450 billion ($628,065,307)!! Why?
Because that is the figure set by the banksters in a private meeting.
In America, Henry Hank Paulson, the Secretary of the Treasury came before
the Congress in late September 2008, and told them the country would go bust
unless they (really the American people) forked over $700 billion to the banks
and investment houses. If America has 300 million people who are supposed to pay
the banks 700 billion, then what an amazing fecking crime it is for the Irish
banks and financial interests to tell 4.5million people that they more or less
have to pay the same amount to the banks. It’s enforced serfdom!
What the Irish people are being told to come up with is astronomical
compared to US citizens due to the difference in the populations.
In both cases it involves a criminal conspiracy between the banks and
financial community and the political class. This is one of the greatest
crimes perpetrated upon the Irish people in its long history.
I did not vote because I refuse to participate in a phony sham that is
called democracy. We all know that the financial interests own Ireland; that
is not democratic!
The banking class aren’t concerned, nor did they sweat a drop over who
would win the election. And, they shouldn’t because at this time they control Ireland. To the moneyed interests the government is like a glove through which
they put their hands into and rule by stealth. It doesn’t matter which group
gets into power; the glove is a one-size fits all.
Politicians and the media treat the bankers with great deference as they
pull off the greatest heist in Irish history. If Michael Collins were alive
today our politicians and banking elite would, with the exception of a few be
in hiding; and well they should be.
So, now we have a Fine Gael and Labour coalition government , which has
been described as a centre right (FG), and a centre left respectively. What the
feck is that. I’m not a math whiz, but it would seem that a left and right neutralize each other, so we have a centre. The newspapers go on and on
analysing this new configuration; they say nothing about who really runs the country: the banking interests, both domestic and foreign: US, UK, German
and French!
Will the new government nullify this banking scam being perpetrated upon
the Irish people? No, they’ll do as told. A politician’s main concern and job
is to get re-elected. To do that, they need campaign contributions. Banks do
Take any business you can think of, let’s say Dunnes Stores, or any
smaller business, say a newsagent’s shop. If they make bad economic decisions,
or stupid ones, or barely legal ones, or if market preferences change and they
go broke what happens? Under our capitalist system the norm is either you are
bought out, or if not, you go broke. You go out of business.
There is one business entity that doesn’t, and that is the major banks of
any country. Why? Because they either run, or mostly own the country, and at
the least they have the capacity to bring it to its knees economically as they
have in America and in Ireland. When a big bank gets into financial trouble they call in the government for a little meeting and tell them this is what we need,
and we don’t care what you have to cut to get it. Just get it.
For us, the people, we have other choices. The first one is to truly make
a change of government the way the founders of this Republic did almost a century ago by revolution. There are more than 4.5 million Irish people. How many leading bankers, investment speculators and politicians are there in this country? Just
a mere handful in comparison to the total Irish population. Think about that.
See what the masses of people have done in Tunisia and Egypt have done;
they have brought about revolutionary changes by putting millions of bodies into
the streets and confronting the powers that rule. Their revolution is not done,
but they are on the path. We must do the same.
We should arrest each and every leading banker (I mean the big boys, not
the men and women who run your local bank, and are honest and decent people. I
mean those that rule and control this country. Also, every politician in which
there are more than reasonable grounds to suspect involvement in these crimes.
They must be brought before a Tribunal of the people, and given the
presumption of innocence, and all the rights of due process. They must be
treated humanely, that is, not like the rendition prisoners whom they have let
into this country for a pit stop on the way to a torture destination by a CIA
plane. And they must be treated far better than prisoners are currently treated
in Ireland, which has received condemnation in a recent report by the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading Treatment (CPT), and also the Ombudsman for Children.
Ask yourself this, if you saw two, three or more gangsters, or mobsters in
a bar having a meeting what would, or may you think? They’re up to no good,
right? Now get past the fact that these criminals who are robbing us don’t wear leather jackets, or necessarily carry guns.
They wear nice suits. You and I pay for them.
They have nice houses, and mansions. You and I pay for them.
They have fancy cars. You and I pay for them.
You get the picture?
We, should in our millions first ask the Public Prosecutor and the An
Garda Síochána to investigate what is going on. Mr. Michael O’Boyce, President
of the Garda Síochána Representative Association (GRA) said that under our politicians our “country’s assets to be “plundered and robbed” by bankers and property speculators.” That is the most honest assessment I’ve seen.
If neither of these two authorities, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, or An Garda Síochána refuse to investigate, then it is up to us
the people of Ireland.
If they will not bring these criminals to trial, then it is our job.
We must not sacrifice generations and the wealth of this country to serve
a small criminal element.
We have a duty, nay, a moral obligation to act and take this country back from
those who have stolen and used it for their private profit. Some have called it ‘economic treason, but I say this: if a politician works for the interests on domestic and foreign bankers, and puts their interests above the people and
nation of Ireland while pretending to represent the people of Ireland, then
he/she is committing treason. Full stop.
In bankers and moneyed interests of a country run and steer the country as
a vehicle for their private and personal profit, then they are traitors to the national interests. And, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish their form of government whenever it becomes oppressive of them, and it is today.
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